Registration is now open for our Online Studio class Counted Thread and Lacis Bell Pull with Jonalene Gutwein!
Counted Thread and Lacis Bell Pull is a 15 week course with one border taught each week. Counted Thread and Lacis Bell Pull is a contemporary interpretation of the traditional lacis that uses the existing linen for the lacework instead of making a netting for the embellishing stitches. The drawn thread work includes the lacis area, two forms of hemstitching, and Scandinavian needle weaving. The drawn thread areas are complemented with the use of counted thread embroidery.
Registration closes on July 5, 2023. The PDF Lessons and Videos for the class will be posted to the class page weekly starting September 6, 2023 and ending December 13, 2023. There will also be Zoom meetings on Wednesday evenings.
Click here to register for Counted Thread and Lacis Bell
Here’s a quick rundown of how our online classes work: Students get access to the class content based on the class schedule and to a class discussion forum where the teacher will answer students’ questions and where students can post photos of their progress and communicate with each other. Lessons can be downloaded at any time up to two months after the last lesson is posted. Please check the details for each class to see if the class format will include video instruction.
Online Studio Classes coming soon!
Frank the Zebra with Hazel Blomkamp is a design featured in Blomkamp’s latest book, Crewel Animal Portraits. It is worked with an interesting variety of embroidery, needlelace, needleweaving, and bead embroidery techniques, with the focus of the design being an unconventional method to create the stripes of the hide. Registration: July 5, 2023–Aug. 2, 2023 Class schedule: Oct. 4, 2023–Oct. 25, 2023 Sign up for a reminder!
Primroses with Merrilyn Heazlewood. Bring the summer joy of primroses into your home all year round. Clusters of French knots complement the needlepoint stitches. Gumnut Yarns’ “Buds” and “Poppies” create a light, airy pattern to the tile. Kreinik® metallic adds sparkle. Primroses is stitched on 18-count canvas with 16 different stitches. Two colorways are offered. Flowers will be created with 7mm silk ribbon. Registration dates: Aug. 2, 2023–Sept. 6, 2023 Class schedule: Nov. 1, 2023–Dec. 13, 2023 Sign up for a reminder!
Lightning Rounds
We have 5 new GCC Lightning Rounds available for registration through May 31, 2023. These are a selection of our Group Correspondence Courses that have been hand-picked by our Education Department and made available for individual EGA members to register without a group for a limited time. Click the pictures below to learn more about each course.
Virtual Lectures Coming Up and Recordings Available!

Registration Now Open: The History and Mysteries of the Bayeux Tapestry with Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer — The Bayeux Tapestry (actually, an embroidery) is a fascinating example of eleventh century needlework. This talk discusses its history, both the history depicted on the Tapestry and the history of the Tapestry over the almost 1000 years of its existence, including a few narrow escapes. Mysteries of the tapestry include questions about what some scenes depict (the Latin phrases on the cloth are sometimes very inadequate) and who commissioned, designed, and embroidered it. You’ll also learn about the stitch used for most of the embroidery, the Bayeux stitch, and how to do it. Attendees will receive bibliography that lists several books about the Tapestry and some needlework shops that sell kits for reproductions of some scenes. Live Lecture Date: Saturday, July 8, 2023 1PM Eastern Live Lecture Registration: June 16-July 6, 2023 1PM Eastern. There won’t be a recording for this lecture, register today!
Recording Now Available: How to Research an Antique Sampler with Cindy Steinhoff — An antique sampler reveals some of its physical characteristics and often some information about the girl who stitched it, but what else can it tell us? Cynthia Shank Steinhoff will discuss how she learns more about the samplers she collects and researches. The result is a full documentation of a sampler’s appearance and history. Many of the characteristics that she identifies for older samplers can be used to provide a full description of a needlework piece made today.Get access to the recording!
Recording Now Available: Making My Bed: Creating imaginative worlds with 3D embroidery with Salley Mavor — Artist Salley Mavor will talk about her 40+ year career creating imaginative worlds with 3-dimensional embroidery. The presentation will cover a wide range of artistic adventures, from illustration to doll-making to stop-motion animation, all done in her signature hand-stitched style. This is an opportunity to take a behind the scenes peek at Ms. Mavor’s innovative process, which incorporates embroidery, fabric, and found objects. Get access to the recording!
Recording Now Available: Elizabethan Embroidery And The Trevelyon Miscellany Of 1608 with Kathy Andrews — Thomas Trevelyon, a London craftsman of whom little is known, created his miscellany in 1608 when he was about 60 years old. Join Kathy Andrews for a brief overview of the concept of a miscellany. We will see a facsimile of the Miscellany and explore the embroidery designs within. Participants will see both period and current examples of embroidered pieces whose designs are inspired/taken from the Miscellan. Get access to the recording!
Recording Now Available: A Journey into Tibet’s Sacred Textile Art with Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo — A California woman traveled to the seat of the Tibetan government-in-exile in India to manage an economic development fund. In a twist of fate, she ended up sewing pictures of buddhas instead. She ultimately learned that a path is made by walking it, and some of the best paths are made by walking off course. Get access to the recording!
Coming Soon: Linen: The Journey From Seed to Cloth with Ellen Phelps — What do you really know about the linen cloth you stitch on or linen thread that you stitch with? In order to gain an appreciation of the linen thread that we use in our weaving, the Frances Irwin Handweavers Guild set out on a 2-year journey to learn about linen. From preparing the garden and growing, reaping, and preparing flax to be spun into linen thread and woven into cloth, guild members experienced these processes literally from the ground up! Come along with us on this journey as we share our experiences with you so that you, too, can learn more about the linen you hold in your hands. Live Lecture Date: Sunday, August 13, 2023 1PM Eastern Live Lecture Registration: July 21-August 11, 2023 1PM Eastern