2021 is officially underway and that same old feeling is creeping in. What should we work on? Is it time to cast a gimlet eye on our current stash and strategize how to turn it into something fresh and new? Should we focus on strengthening and learning new techniques?
Last year brought an influx of new stitchers into the embroidery community and it’s been thrilling and humbling to see their work flourish in our Facebook Stitch-a-Long group. We think the smartest new years projects are the small ones—little pieces you can whip up in a flash that let you flex your stitching muscles and soothe the strong desire for instant gratification that so often arises at this change in seasons.

Cutesy Crafts’ Embroidery Stitch Sampler is a project we think should appeal to both novice and accomplished stitchers alike. It’s fast, easy, and gives stitchers the opportunity to practice their embroidery skills. It’s up to you which stitches you’d most like to feature, and Cutesy Crafts’ blog offers refreshers on how to stitch the basics if you need a reminder.

We’re post-holiday season, pre-Valentine’s Day—it’s the perfect time to hand stitch a card! Whether you’re sending out thank you cards for gifts you received or want to craft a unique card for February 14, a hand-stitched card offers a personalized option that’s fast, simple, and requires few supplies. Check out Little Girl Designs blog post outlining how to make the cards seen above. Once you hand stitch a card, you may never go back to store bought!

We love the simplicity of &Stitches Garden Path Sampler as well as the freedom it affords stitchers. Simply choose which stitches you want to “plant” and work around the circle in your desired stitch and colors. It’s a perfect template for exercising your stitchwork and it’s beautiful to boot!

Any devout reader will tell you one can never have too many bookmarks. This free project from our website offers four different patterns with additional variations. They’re fast and fun to make and are great for utilizing leftover scrap threads you don’t have the heart to throw away.

If you were looking for a good excuse to finally purchase that EGA Membership you had your eye on, meet our Petite Projects. Small stitchwork pieces like the Landscape Series featured above can be downloaded directly from our website. There are more than 65 Petite Projects available to download and they run the gamut of beginners to experienced skill sets. But, they’re only available for EGA members. Become a member of the Embroiderer’s Guild of America now for instant access!
Don’t forget to join the EGA Stitch-a-Long group on Facebook to participate in the monthly project, and be sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter and share what you’re working on by using the #EGAstitchers hashtag in your social media posts!