Calling All Needlework Teachers: Submit Your Proposals for EGA’s Greater Pacific Region Seminar 2026

The Greater Pacific Region Seminar 2026, Much Ado About Stitching, will be held in Ashland, Oregon, at the Ashland Hills Hotel. Five days of classes will be held July 24-29, 2026.

We invite all needlework teachers to submit proposals in various techniques and skill levels for a minimum of four days and up to five days of class. These may include a combination of one-day classes, two-day classes, three-day classes, or a four-day class. Contracts will only be offered for 4 or 5 days of teaching.

Compensation includes, but is not limited to:

  • $400 for each full teaching day.
  • Economy round-trip airfare, transportation/mileage to/from home and airport
  • Accommodations (double occupancy)
  • Per Diem of $75 per teaching day.
  • Up to $125 for incidental expenses, such as parking.

Please submit your proposal(s) with picture electronically no later than May 15, 2025. Per EGA guidelines the first page of the proposal must be the ICNA Standard Proposal Summary Sheet. Below are the links to the documents required. The proposal must be submitted electronically to Christine Day, Faculty Chair, Greater Pacific Region, 2026 Seminar, at: The subject line should read: 2026 Regional Seminar Proposal.

Should you have any questions, please contact me at

Christine Day
Faculty Chair
Greater Pacific Region Seminar 2026

P. S. We are also offering you an opportunity to advertise in our online Seminar Brochure and the Seminar Handbook. The cost will range from $25 to $100. If you are interested, please let me know and I will forward your information to our Advertising Chair who will provide additional information.


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