Latest Features and Updates

We are constantly working to make this website better for our members and visitors. Below is a list of the latest updates made to the site.

• The Member Profile page has been updated to give members easy access to everything they need including projects, classes contact information and more. Read about the changes here. August 2021

• The search on the Library page has been updated to now let members search by book author and by specific phrases using quotation marks. Using quotation marks in a search will weed out unnecessary results which is very helpful when searching for a specific book title. June 2021

• We have added a new Headquarters Page to provide members with a look at everything available to them at our Headquarters in Louisville. June 2021

• We launched our new Affiliated Shops Program and our Find a Needlework Shop page. February 2021

• A subscription box has been added to our blog to give readers the option to receive an email when a new blogpost is published. See It on the sidebar of Individual blogposts, here’s an exampleJanuary 2021

• New photos have been added to our Permanent Collection gallery. November 2020

• All course pages have been updated to include more photos, information about the type of course and more. November 2020

• All Free Projects have been added to the Publications page, now members don’t have to fill a form when getting every project. October 2020

• We have launched a new Publications page where members can find guides, projects and other resources.(Login required) October 2020

• The Master Craftsman page has been updated to provide more information about the Master Craftsman process and answers to FAQs. September 2020

• The Members Only section of the navigation has been updated with featured links to Petite Projects, Document Downloads, Publications and more. September 2020

• Groups and Profiles are now labeled with “Group” and “Profile” on the top left corner to let you know where you are and where your post will appear. July 2020

• The Individual Correspondence Courses page has been updated to include more information on the ICC process, FAQs and more. June 2020

• We have a new and improved Navigation which will be a great tool to help you find what you’re looking for on our website. April 2020

• We made an update to pages with lists of classes, such as our Find a Class, GCC, ICC and Online Courses Pages. These now include a short description for each class and a View Bio link to see a popup of the teacher’s biography. April 2020

• Our Shop now has breadcrumbs, a secondary navigation to provide you with extra guidance on where you are and where you can go from there. April 2020

• We have added instructions on How to Submit an Event for our Events page. January 2020

• Our website’s main Search engine has been improved to better assist you in finding what you are looking for. September 2019

Among the new Search features:
• Document Downloads now show up as results on the main search and logged-in members are able to click and see the document from there (example).
• Results can now be filtered, letting you see results by categories: Courses, Events, Documents), Posts, Pages, Products etc.

• Some improvements have been made to how pages from the website are printed, allowing more information to show on printed pages. August 2019

• We have a new GCC Lightning Rounds page with all you need to know about this great educational opportunity for members.  August 2019

• To provide visitors with more information about the embroidered art showcased around the website we have created a Stitches Across the Website gallery. July 2019

• Course pages have been updated to include more information and to provide more clarity on registration process. Examples: 1, 2, 3July 2019

• A new Region and Chapter Directory page has been created where members and visitors can see chapters by region, links to region websites and more. June 2019

• A search box has been added to our Library page to make it easier for members to find and borrow books. June 2019

• The Locate a Professional page has been updated to include more information and website for each professional. A ‘EGA Certified‘  label has been added next to those professionals who have completed our certification programs. June 2019

• A new Study Boxes page has been created to make it easier for members to borrow from a selection of Study Boxes. May 2019

• Members can now see their renewal date, member number, chapter and region on their Profile’s Member Information page. The member number is now also visible on the left sidebar of your Profile under Members Only. (Log in required) May 2019

• Addition of EGA Group Instructions page, where members can learn how to use our website’s groups. May 2019

• Addition of Online Course Instructions page for members enrolled in our online courses to better understand our learning platform. May 2019

• Social sharing has been added to our blog posts and events. Now when you are in one of our news articles, you will see three buttons to let you share the post on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Example March 2019

• The Chapter Map has been improved. Now when you click the pin for a chapter on the map, the web address on your browser will change letting you copy it and share it. For example, when you search for Louisville on the map, you will see the chapters near Louisville, if you click on the Louisville chapter’s pin, the web address on your browser will change from to April 2019

• Addition of Latest News page to keep members informed of classes, events and more. October 2018

Latest Fixes

Below you will see some issues that have been recently fixed or updated on the website.

Bullets: We have fixed an issue with how bulleted lists were being displayed. October 2021

Login issues: Some issues with logging in to the website have been fixed, including captcha problems and redirecting to a WordPress login page. October 2021

Cart: The Cart icon at the top of the website has been updated. June 2021

Lesson emails: We made an update to how the lesson links in emails work, now they will take you to a login page and then redirect you to the lesson if needed. October 2020

Close Navigation: We have added an X to close the navigation when needed. November 2020

Digest Emails: Some members were having issues when clicking from a group digest email. This has been corrected. June 2020

Mobile search: We have fixed an issue that wasn’t allowing you to see your search input on mobile. April 2020

Gallery photos: An issue that was stopping gallery images from displaying has been fixed. July 2019

Group member pagination: An issue that was not allowing members to get to page 2 of a Group’s members’ list has been corrected. May 2019

Digest emails: When clicking the View link on digest emails for online classes, members were having issues accessing the link and the website kept asking to log in. This issue has been corrected. May 2019

Group images on comments: We have corrected an issue that was not allowing group members to add an image when replying or commenting on someone else’s post. May 2019

For questions or to report a technical issue please use our Contact Us page.