Master Craftsman: Design for Needlework


Our Master Craftsman: Design program differs from other Master Craftsman categories by its very nature. Rather than demonstrating knowledge of a particular technique, candidates use their chosen needlework medium to demonstrate knowledge of specific design principles and elements. All submissions must be original, but wide latitude is allowed in format and interpretation. There is no one right answer. Technical expertise is expected, but is not the only criterion on which submissions are based. Completion of the program demonstrates mastery of the principles and elements of design and their use in creating original work.



Step 1: Rhythm and balance: A stitched piece created by developing a motif into a repeat composition

Step 2: Proportion and scale: A piece reflecting that proportion equals the correct and perfect relationship of all parts within a whole

Step 3: Emphasis and harmony: A composition based on a historical or ethnic theme, with three different related stitch charts, one of which is stitched

Step 4: Space, motion, and line: A stitched piece consisting of vertical or horizontal lines to demonstrate these themes

Step 5: Form, shape, light, and texture: A composition based on object rubbings, with an accompanying stitched piece

Step 6: A composition demonstrating mastery of the principles and elements of design

Judging: May and November

Judging Criteria: This program differs from other Master Craftsman categories by its very nature. Rather than demonstrating knowledge of a specific technique, candidates use their chosen needlework medium to demonstrate knowledge of design principles and elements.

Contact: Master Craftsman Design Chair

Click here to see requirements for Step 1 and pictures of completed pieces

After enrollment, a program packet is sent by email from the program chair. Please allow a week for your registration to be processed.

*Master Craftsman Program fees are non-refundable