Just in time for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, we have a lovely Designers Across America project by Lucy Barter called Platinum Jubilee Rose. The June 2022 issue of Needle Arts Magazine should be reaching members’ homes now and it features an article about Lucy Barter and information about the project.
This pattern is now available for all EGA members to purchase here. Not an EGA member yet? It’s easy, a membership will be added to your cart when purchasing the pattern. This pattern is available for purchase by EGA members until September 1, 2022. Expect delivery in one to two weeks. If you are subscribed to receive the DAA, you will be receiving it in the mail shortly.
Lucy Barter created Platinum Jubilee Rose based on her work as an apprentice at the Royal School of Needlework, as well as by a recent jubilee celebration gift she received from an embroidery student. “My original Diamond Jubilee piece for the Queen, in 2012, brought together symbols of the United Kingdom: the rose for England, the daffodil for Wales, the thistle for Scotland and the shamrock for Northern Island.”
Barter notes that she enjoyed creating the rose in honor of her native England so much that, if there’s interest among stitchers, she is thinking of doing a series to include the floral symbols for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland as well.
Get Platinum Jubilee Rose
About Designers Across America
Designers Across America and Designers Around the World patterns are published quarterly thanks to the generosity of designers. Proceeds benefit the programs of EGA. All copyrights are retained by the designer. A yearly subscription includes four patterns, beginning with the current one.
Access to these patterns are a benefit of membership. New members will receive a copy of the current issue of Needle Arts magazine, along with all member benefits, featuring an article about this designer with pictures of their work.
In every new issue of Needle Arts we also announce a selection of GCC Lightning Rounds. These are some of our group courses, available for individual members to register for a limited time. his is a great opportunity for members-at-large or chapter members to who have been wanting to try one of these group courses and haven’t been able to.