Mythical Myrtle with Barbara Kershaw – Encore

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Not Enrolled
$200 per Group + $35 Text per Student
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This course will be retired on December 31, 2024.

Mythical Myrtle

Explore the magnificent stitches of Casalguidi embroidery!

Explore the magnificent stitches of Casalguidi embroidery in our Group Correspondence Course Mythical Myrtle with teacher Barbara Kershaw.

Casalguidi is a beautiful form of whitework named after the village of Casalguidi near Pistoia in Tuscany where it originated. Sometimes called linen-work, Casalguidi is a unique style of raised embroidery traditionally worked on a background of four-sided stitch.

Mythical Myrtle breaks from tradition a little in that she is not mounted on a background of four-sided stitch, although the four-sided stitch is incorporated into the design.

Mythical Myrtle has been worked on confederate gray linen but the student can use whatever color is preferred. Other stitches used in this project are continuous wrapping, bullion knots, detached buttonhole stitch and the raised stem stitch band called the Casalguidi stitch. Small tassels form the hinges for the design which has been finished as a triptych.

More about Mythical Myrtle

  • Class Details

    Type of project: Triptych
    Size: The finished size is 7″ X 7″ (18cm x 18cm)
    Skill level: Intermediate
    Length of class: 6 lessons in 6 months
    Fee per group: $200
    Text price: $35.00 Left-handed instructions are available on request
    Supplies (approximate): $35.00, finishing supply cost approximately $30.00
    DMC Floss Number for tassel: DMC® #927

  • About teacher Barbara M. Kershaw

    Barbara M. Kershaw has a passion for learning and sharing her knowledge of the many varied and wonderful forms of embroidery generally called whitework. She has taken many courses and classes from the Embroiderers’ Association of Canada (EAC), Embroiderers’ Guild of America (EGA), and the American Needlepoint Guild (ANG). Barbara is certified as an EGA Master Craftsman in counted thread. She also studied in Germany at the Museum de Schwalm in 2005 and 2011. She has been teaching for over 20 years at various EAC national seminars, EGA national and regional seminars, guilds in Canada, America and Bermuda as well as two International Teaching Tours of the USA. Barbara is the author of two EGA Group Correspondence Courses including Noel and Fandango and an Individual Correspondence Course Basic Study of Schwalm Embroidery. Her book Exquisite Schwalm focuses on Schwalm filling stitches.


  • More about our Group Correspondence Courses and GCC Lightning Rounds

    Visit our Group Correspondence Courses page for the registration form and for more information on how our GCCs work.

    Our GCC Lightning Rounds are three or four of our Group Correspondence Courses that have been hand-picked by our Education Department and made available for individual EGA members to register without a group for a limited time. Visit our GCC Lightning Rounds page to see which courses are available this quarter!

     There are no refunds for course or text fees so make your selection carefully.