We are excited to announce a new addition to our roster of Individual Correspondence Courses: The Sampler Family Tree with Carolyn Standing Webb.
Samplers are one of the most recognizable of the forms of historical embroidery. This Individual Correspondence Course will help you to explore the history that is the family tree of samplers with all of the different branches. You will spend several months studying samplers as you narrow your field of interest.
You will then choose your favorite kind of sampler: it can be a historical era (like 17th century), a type of sampler (like Quaker Samplers), a country (like Mexico) or another type with the teacher’s guidance. You will then write several pages about your research, explaining what you learned, why it is your favorite and then stitch a sampler that would be typical of that kind. This course is at least one third research with the rest being design and stitching.
Individual Correspondence Courses offer EGA members intense, personalized study under the supervision of teachers selected for their outstanding needlework skills and knowledge. The courses are in-depth study programs dealing with a wide range of embroidery techniques and disciplines at various skill levels. They are a perfect complement to workshop classes, group study courses, and lectures. ICC’s are often used as a jumping board for our Master Craftsman programs, or our Teaching and Judging Certification programs.
Take a look at our other available ICCs:
- A Basic Study of Schwalm Embroidery with Barbara M. Kershaw
- Crazy Quilting with J. Marsha Michler
- Design for Needlework with India Hayford
- English Smocking with Kim Sanders
- Introduction to Metal Thread Embroidery with Kay Stanis
- Rainbows Bend: A Course on Color Theory with Carole Rinard
- Silk and Metal Thread Embroidery with Kay Stanis
- Techniques for Canvas Embroidery with Diane Herrmann
- The Art of Teaching Embroidery with Kay Stanis and Carole Lake
The sampler showcased above was stitched by Elizabeth Muir on 1831 and is part of our Permanent Collection. Take a closer look and learn more!