Limited Supplies: Preserve Your Piece of Needle Art with National Seminar 2024 Merch

National Seminar 2024, ‘Preserving Needle Art’, was a huge success, and we want to thank everyone who came, took classes, attended special events, shopped in our pop-up shops and partook in just about everything seminar has to offer. We do have a limited supply of both opening and closing banquet favors left that we’re offering for sale until supplies run out.

The first is a small, resealable plastic mason jar bag that contains a 2½” Flower Power scissor inside made by Kelmscott with a small handmade strawberry fob made by the Birmingham chapter.
The second is a very special spiral bound, 60-page booklet containing family recipes, color photos, and stories from our many Tennessee Valley EGA members and 2024 faculty members alike. This book is a wonderful preservation of our needlework stories and our family heritages.

We also have a limited supply of seminar pins available at $10 each + $4 shipping.

Either favor would make excellent swap gifts or be a wonderful way for those who missed this seminar to enjoy some of the goodies from our banquets. Each one is selling for $20 plus $4 postage.

Best Deal: Buy both favors for $40 and we’ll include a seminar pin.

Click here to Download the Order Form


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