Limited Spaces: Fiber Forum Class: How to Improve Photos of Your Needle Art

Fiber Forum has a limited number of seats available for an online class How to Improve Photos of your Needle Art with Jennifer Riefenberg on February 25, 2025, from 11:00am to 4:00pm Eastern via Zoom. As an artist, Jennifer is known for her beautiful watercolor paintings, designing and teaching embroidery, and her ability to take artful and technically excellent photos. This is a great opportunity to learn basic principles of photographing your artwork whether you use a camera or phone, and the fee is only $15.00.

The format for this class will include an advance PDF document that includes instructions, tips and what you need to prepare for the class. Our class meeting will start at 11:00am Eastern via zoom with a slide-show lecture by Jennifer that will include demonstrations, description of proper technique and outcomes and include questions and answers. This is expected to take approximately one hour or more and we will break for practice and experimentation. The meeting will reconvene at approximately 3:00pm to discuss results

The brochure describing the class details can be found here. The registration form can be downloaded here(PDF) and here(Word) . We hope you will join us.

Best regards,
Jenna McClooney, FF Education Chair


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