Chapter News: San Antonio Needlework Guild’s 50th Anniversary and news from our Hagerstown, Oatlands, Constellation and Cheekwood Chapters

Today we are bringing you news from the San Antonio Needlework Guild in San Antonio, Texas, the Cheekwood Chapter in Nashville, Tennessee and a Mid-Atlantic Region Outreach featuring the Hagerstown Chapter in Hagerstown, Maryland, Oatlands Chapter in Herndon, Virginia and Constellation Chapter in Columbia, Maryland. We encourage you to learn more about them by clicking on their name. Now you can join or renew your membership with these chapters directly from our website!

San Antonio Needlework Guild

The San Antonio Needlework Guild celebrated our 50th Anniversary on May 11, 2024 at Milano’s Restaurant with special Guest Judy McGraw, SCR Region Director. We also received letters from Karen Hamilton, President of EGA at the time and our past presidents Donna Semmes and Jannine Cody. We had about 25 members in attendance including many of our other past presidents. We enjoyed going through our scrapbooks and reliving memories of past members and luncheons. We took Judy’s picture in front of our banner. We also had a 50th anniversary pin made.

Hagerstown Chapter, Oatlands Chapter and Constellation Chapter  – Mid-Atlantic Region Outreach

Members of the Hagerstown, Oatlands and Constellation chapters hosted a table at the annual Great Frederick Fair (Frederick, MD). For three days in mid-September, participants stitched and spoke with attendees about what type of stitching they were doing. Members shared their experiences and information about EGA. The table held Hagerstown’s tri-fold display of various embroidery techniques and pieces from all participating chapters.

People of all ages stopped to ask questions and watch the stitching. They were given business cards, brochures and many took the opportunity to sign up for information about upcoming chapter events. Traditionally, school groups attend in the morning and several children left with a small token – a felt corner bookmark or a small commercial embroidery kit which had been donated. A couple of young adults from local colleges connected with us and are willing to help us engage with their student groups.

Hopefully, at least a few of those faces will attend an upcoming meeting or event. The chapters have committed to return in 2025.

Cheekwood Chapter

The Shelbyville Satellite Group of the Cheekwood Chapter has an autumn themed exhibit running through the end of October at the local Regions Bank.

The Cheekwood Chapter has a second exhibit during the month of October at the Hermitage branch of the Metropolitan Nashville library.


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