It is our pleasure to announce a new Master Craftsman completion effective November 2022. Lois Threlkeld from the Knoxville Chapter in Tennessee completed the Master Craftsman Program in Canvas. Lois has also completed the Master Craftsman in Counted Thread. We acknowledge and applaud her achievement in completing this program! – Catherine Jordan, MC Coordinator
EGA’s Master Craftsman Programs are designed to promote excellence in embroidery by providing the accomplished needleworker the opportunity to demonstrate mastery in specific needlework techniques.
Each program consists of a series of six projects or steps with very specific requirements designed to test technical ability in a particular technique. Completion of all six steps leads to a certificate designating the successful participant a Master Craftsman.
A high level of expertise in the technique of choice is required BEFORE entering one of the programs. Each program provides a challenging series of exercises designed to encourage application and expansion of the embroiderer’s knowledge, skill, and creativity. All directions and instructions must be followed carefully and specifically to master each step and progress in the program.
The Master Craftsman Program may be considered a competition, not against other stitchers, but against one’s own earlier efforts. All submissions are confidential. Learn more here!