Now we all take fabulous EGA classes in all different techniques and themes. In the last 5 years, what class piece have you finished which also goes with the Golden Needle Awards theme? Only one entry per EGA member – let us see yours!
In 2024, the theme is “preserving” which can mean different things to different people. What EGA class have you taken which may fit the theme of preserving – was it a family memory that you want to preserve, was it a family tree, was it preserving fabrics to make another piece, was it based on gardening and preserving the fruits of the garden? So many ideas – what EGA class piece describes “preserving” which was finished in the last 5 years? In your artist statement tell us about your piece and how your piece fits the theme of preserving. If you want your piece to be included in the pieces to be selected for EGA class piece, be sure to name the class and the teacher. You may have taken the class at an EGA seminar, a region event or maybe a chapter project. It could also have been an online class or a Group Correspondence Course. In your statement name the class and teacher and where you took the class.
All pieces, which are in the class piece category, also may qualify for additional ribbons.

In 2023, Kathleen Weston won the ribbon (among other ribbons) for the “best EGA class piece” with her “A Beautiful Tradition”, which was a class she took with Jane Nicholas. In her artist statement she describes her piece and names the class along with the teacher’s name. The theme for the 2023 Golden Needle Awards was “stitch party.”
A Beautiful Tradition
What is more Magnificent than gold? Especially when it glitters at us and seduces us into doing its bidding and always ready for a party? We have 2 stylized Japanese crests done with a variety of gold thread enhanced with a family of purple, stitch on vintage Kimono material. Designer: Jane Nicholas. Class: Three Plum Blossoms. The second piece is from “Japanese Motifs in Stump work and Gold work”
We are looking forward to receiving your entry for Golden Needle Awards 2024. There are many other ribbons that are described here. The deadline to enter is June 15, 2024 but your entry does not need to arrive until August.
Learn more about the Golden Needle Awards | See the 2023 Golden Needle Awards
— Ellie Ames, Education Exhibit Chair