Our Gold Thread Award is a way for chapters and regions to recognize outstanding individuals who have given freely of their time and talents, and best exemplify EGA’s purpose.
We would like to congratulate the winners of our 2018 Gold Thread Award, these are the ladies who make our chapters thrive. They inspire stitchers to stretch their talents, encourage new embroiderers to join us, keep our chapters thriving and generally make us pleased and proud we are part of this organization. The National winner will be announced at the National Seminar.
Carolinas Region: Julie Anderson, Low Country Chapter
Great Lakes Region: Carole DeWitt, Youngstown Chapter
Heartland Region: Peggy Eggert, Coulee Country Chapter
Metropolitan Region: Lynn Schamberger, Skyllkill Chapter
New England Region: Dawn Senftleber, Green Mountain Chapter
Pacific Southwestern Region: Jenny Ewing, Desert Threaders Chapter
South Central Region: Diane Williams, San Antonio Chapter
Sun Region: Donna Christie, Member-at-large
Tennesse Valley Region: Sandra Sacksteder, Louisville Chapter