Two of our Group Correspondence Courses, Fallen Leaves Sampler with Kim Sanders and White Iris with Mona Hill will no longer be available after the end of 2022. This is a great time to get a group of stitchers together and participate in one of these GCCs. Our GCCs offer low cost, high quality learning experiences for groups of up to 20 participants plus their group coordinator. GCCs are open to all EGA members. You can learn more about our Group Correspondence Courses and download the GCC registration form here.

Fallen Leaves Sampler with Kim Sanders teaches laid and filling stitches, continuing a rich tradition of wool embroidery that dates back to the Bayeux Tapestry. Just as a quilter can introduce pattern within a motif by using patterned fabric, surface embroiderers can add pattern within pattern using these stitches.
Each leaf in Fallen Leaves Sampler features different filling and outline stitches. Stitches build in complexity from one leaf to the next. Stitch diagrams are broken down into steps making it easier for the student to follow the instructions while working on the leaves and to modify the stitches in their own work afterward. Tips are provided to ensure even spacing of stitches in a non-counted embroidery technique.

In White Iris with teacher Mona Hill you will stitch a stunning white iris using white or cream Pearl Cotton on matching 32-count Belfast linen. The mat chosen for behind and around the piece adds the punch of color.
Combining stunning June flowers, White Iris is a sampler of eleven pulled thread patterns worked inside surface embroidery of flowers petal edges. The surface embroidery emphasizes shaping the buttonhole stitch and the chain stitch to form leaves and petal edges. Chain stitch, outline stitch and satin stitch variations are used for flower stems. Some knowledge of compensation is essential in working the pulled thread patterns.
This beautiful composition, done in surface embroidery enclosing areas filled with pulled thread patterns, has a spectacular lace-like quality.
Looking for some courses you can register for right now individually?
Don’t miss our current set of GCC Lightning Rounds! These are a selection of our Group Correspondence Courses that have been hand-picked by our Education Department and made available for individual EGA members to register without a group for a limited time. The current five courses are available through August 31, 2022.