On Saturday, August 13, 2022, Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer will be joining us for a virtual lecture on The History and Mysteries of the Bayeux Tapestry.
The Bayeux Tapestry (actually, an embroidery) is a fascinating example of eleventh century needlework. This talk discusses its history, both the history depicted on the Tapestry and the history of the Tapestry over the almost 1000 years of its existence, including a few narrow escapes. Mysteries of the tapestry include questions about what some scenes depict (the Latin phrases on the cloth are sometimes very inadequate) and who commissioned, designed, and embroidered it. You’ll also learn about the stitch used for most of the embroidery, the Bayeux stitch, and how to do it. Attendees will receive bibliography that lists several books about the Tapestry and some needlework shops that sell kits for reproductions of some scenes.
The signup period is open to all EGA members through July 18, 2022 at 1PM Eastern. Attendance is limited to 100 EGA members and the signup list will all go to lottery. You will be notified if you are actively registered or on the wait list. Click here to learn more about the Virtual Lecture Registration Process.
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Check out our upcoming Virtual Lectures and sign up to receive a reminder when registration starts!
Rozashi: A 1400 Year Old Needle Art from Japan with Margaret Kinsey
Date: Sunday, September 18, 2022 1PM Eastern Registration: August 15-22, 2022 1PM Eastern
Rozashi is an ancient Japanese embroidery technique. Its origins are vague. It resembles Bargello/Florentine embroidery in our culture. The Japanese say it origins are in the Tempyo (700-799 AD) period. During the Tokugawa and Meiji eras, as late as the 1820s, the ladies of the court considered Rozashi as the most refined art and handiwork. It was even called the hobby of the Imperial household. Learn more.

Creating Needlework Maps with Catherine Jordan
Date: Sunday, October 9, 2022 1PM Eastern Registration: September 12-19, 2022 1PM Eastern
Come and enjoy this “show and share” lecture on creating needlework maps! You will see Catherine’s collection of commemoratively based needlework maps as she talks about the process of where ideas come from, what makes a valuable map, and the intricacies of designing, stitching, and painting needlework maps. Learn more.