From March 1 to May 31, 2024, any member may register for the Lightning Rounds featured below.
Lightning Rounds
Every quarter, our Education Department selects some of our Group Correspondence Courses(GCC) and these are made available for members to register individually without needing a group. These correspondence courses are a great opportunity for members-at-large or chapter members who have been wanting to try one of these group courses and haven’t been able to. There is not an online component to these courses. There are no refunds for course or text fees so make your selection carefully. Learn more about Lightning Rounds.
Fall Colors, A Study in Rozashi with Margaret Kinsey
Fall Colors is a study in traditional Rozashi embroidery. The leaves, the water, the water lines, the sky, background are a study in the stitches that are traditional to Rozashi. All stitches are upright in this technique. Some of the challenges in Rozashi are making points on leaves and curves for the water lines/currents, working the design on a small count ro and maintaining the proper tension on the ro and the silk threads. Learn More and Register!
Mythical Myrtle with Barbara Kershaw
Explore the magnificent stitches of Casalguidi embroidery in our Correspondence Course Mythical Myrtle with teacher Barbara Kershaw.
Casalguidi is a beautiful form of whitework named after the village of Casalguidi near Pistoia in Tuscany where it originated. Sometimes called linen-work, Casalguidi is a unique style of raised embroidery traditionally worked on a background of four-sided stitch.
Mythical Myrtle breaks from tradition a little in that she is not mounted on a background of four-sided stitch, although the four-sided stitch is incorporated into the design. Learn More and Register!
NEW: Pulled Stitches Clover with Marion Scoular
The leaves and blooms of the charming clover design contain twelve pulled fillings in a variety of patterns. There are both linear and diaper patterns in which the emphasis is placed on tension. Tension, of course, creates a significant change in the texture of the fabric. In pulled stitches, the effect is achieved by what the stitches do, not the appearance of the stitches themselves. Learn More and Register!
Star-Spangled Puzzle Ball with Denise Harrington Pratt

Star-Spangled Puzzle Ball offers the stitcher the opportunity to discover the joy of taking counted thread embroidery into three dimensions by creating a “puzzle ball.” The ball is constructed of pentagon and triangle components. The student will experience the art of counted thread embroidery by stitching the components in a variety of counted thread stitches. Learn More and Register!
Thank Goodness It’s Finished with Kim Sanders
Are your beautiful embroideries languishing in a drawer awaiting a trip to the finisher? Finishing the embroidery yourself gives you complete control over the end product and could be less expensive than using professional finishing services. Thank Goodness It’s Finished teaches a variety of skills needed to assemble embroideries into their final form. Read our Interview with Kim Sanders. Learn More and Register!