The beginning of the year is a great time to learn something new! Any EGA member may register for the Lightning Rounds featured below though February 28, 2025.
Lightning Rounds
Every quarter, our Education Department selects some of our Group Correspondence Courses(GCC) and these are made available for members to register individually without needing a group. These correspondence courses are a great opportunity for members-at-large or chapter members who have been wanting to try one of these group courses and haven’t been able to. There is not an online component to these courses. There are no refunds for course or text fees so make your selection carefully. Learn more about Lightning Rounds.
Embroidery with Mixed Media with Laura Smith
Study the amazing possibilities of four cool “new” mixed media materials on Embroidery with Mixed Media. Learn to work with soluble fabric, DuPont ™Tyvek®, Angelina® fibers and film, and acrylic gel media. These materials have many expressive qualities that extend the possibilities for embroidered designs. To add color, acrylic paint is used. Powdered pigments and Shiva Artist’s Paintstiks® are optional colorants. Bo-Nash Bonding Agent 007® and its pressing sheet are used to fuse Angelina fibers. Tools covered in the course include an iron, silicone pressing sheet, and three optional tools: the embossing tool, mini iron and steamless iron. The pieces above were done by students of this class. Learn More and Register!
Finding Time with Catherine Jordan
Zentangle® is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. This class will explore the possibilities of interpreting a Zentangle® drawing into an interesting needlework design finished as a booklet cover. Learn More and Register!
More Than a Rose with Melinda Sherbring
More Than a Rose is a small piece designed to introduce students to some stitches and raised work techniques used on English sweet bags ca. 1600. The student should be familiar with Tent stitch, able to follow a stitch diagram, and willing to make decisions based on a range of presented alternatives typical of that time period. Students may follow the choices made on the model or test their wings with alternatives. This project is worked on a linen ground with your choice of cotton or silk floss and with gold and silver passing threads, providing a taste of goldwork without a large investment in gold materials. Learn More and Register!
Snowflake Ball with Denise Harrington Pratt
The Snowflake Ball is a three-dimensional, beaded needlework piece that is constructed based on one of the Archimedean Solids called a truncated octahedron. You don’t have to understand geometry to stitch this fun piece. Students will learn how to use Sticky Fabri-Solvy ™ to transfer the snowflake patterns onto the fabric. Many tips and instructions assist the student in embroidering the snowflake designs using backstitch on cotton fabric. Learn More and Register!
Trio with Carol Currier
Trio is a crewel exercise incorporating a variety of choices in a design. The student is encouraged to “mix and match” elements to create their own pattern. Floral and foliage samples are given so that they may be moved about like dressing paper dolls. This allows the stitcher to pick and choose for an individual design. Stitching instructions for each motif are included. Learn More and Register!