To bring you some holiday cheer and inspiration to your life we will be posting a photo of a stitched ornament from our headquarters tree every day this month! The photos will be posted here and also on our Facebook and Instagram. Make sure to follow us there!
These beautiful ornaments have all been stitched by members of EGA. While patterns for all of these ornaments are not available, we encourage you to visit our Free Projects page for some beautiful free patterns and our EGA Stitch-a-long, where we stitch a new project on Facebook every month. If a pattern for any of the ornaments is available as a free project or as a members-only Petite Project it will be noted below the gallery.
Day 1Stitched by Cynthia Welch from our Louisville chapter
Day 2Stitched by Laura Welch from our Louisville Chapter
Day 3Stitched by Helen Gottschalk from our Evergreen Chapter
Day 4Cheekwood Chapter in Nashville, TN
Day 6Stitched by Elise Lampton
Day 8Stitched by Martha Katz from our Louisville chapter
Day 9Stitched by Kathleen Kellar from our York White Rose Chapter
Day 10Stitched by Christine Moore from our Wyoming Valley Chapter
Day 11Stitched by Nancy Potter from our Fox Valley Chapter
Day 12Stitched by Ann Bergman from our Quinsippi Chapter
Day 13Stitched by Laurie Jones from our Gentle Pursuits of Richmond Chapter in Virginia
Day 14Stitched by Tamara Yohannes from our Louisville Chapter
Day 15Stitched by Nancy Behrendt from our Evergreen Chapter
Day 16Stitched by Diane Owens from our Marin Gold Threads Chapter in California
Day 17Stitched by Kris Wilson from our Desert West Chapter
Day 18Stitched by Joyce Furry-Sievers from our Lincoln Needleworkers Guild
Day 19Stitched by Priscilla Robertson from our Louisville chapter
Day 20Stitched by Jo Day from our York White Rose Chapter
Day 21Stitched by Nancy Criddle from our Prairie Stitchers Chapter in Colorado
Day 22Stitched by Deborah Power from our Azure Verde Chapter in California
Day 23Stitched by Martha Katz from our Louisville Chapter
Day 24Stitched by Debbie Fuller
Day 25Stitched by Paula McGinty
Day 26Stitched by Angi Collins from our Louisville Chapter
Day 27Stitched by Gina Kleinmartin from our Buffalo Chapter
Day 28Stitched by Teresa Hoover from our York White Rose Chapter
Day 29Stitched by Patti Lipp from our Prairie Stitchers Chapter in South Dakota
Day 31Stitched by Life Member Carol Korman
Come back to this post every day through December 31st to see beautiful ornaments stitched by our members.

Thank you for following our ornament countdown! We would also like to thank every member and chapter who sent their stitched ornaments, while we could only feature some, we are excited to share more of them on next year’s countdown.
Below is a closer look at an ornament we used to decorate our entrance. You can find the pattern for this Crewel Wreath ornament in our Free Projects page.
A closer look: Crewel wreath OrnamentStitched by Maria Holmes of our Three Rivers Chapter
A closer look: Crewel wreath OrnamentStitched by Maria Holmes of our Three Rivers Chapter
A closer look: Crewel wreath OrnamentStitched by Maria Holmes of our Three Rivers Chapter
A closer look: Crewel wreath OrnamentStitched by Maria Holmes of our Three Rivers Chapter
If you are near Louisville this holiday season, come visit us through January 6 and see the ornaments up close, along pieces from our collection. Our address is 1205 East Washington St Suite 104, Louisville, KY 40206
Check our Free Projects page for some ornament patterns you can stitch at home!
Would you like to see one of your stitched ornaments on our tree next year? Contact headquarters, we’d love to see it!