The Sampler Family Tree with Carolyn Standing Webb

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The Sampler Family Tree

Explore the history of one of the most recognizable of the forms of historical embroidery!

Samplers are one of the most recognizable of the forms of historical embroidery. This Individual Correspondence Course with teacher Carolyn Standing Webb will help you to explore the history that is the family tree of samplers with all of the different branches. Samplers reflect so much of the history of the women and girls that stitched them. You will spend several months studying samplers as you narrow your field of interest.

You will then choose your favorite kind of sampler: it can be a historical era (like 17th century), a type of sampler (like Quaker Samplers), a country (like Mexico) or another type with the teacher’s guidance. You will then write several pages about your research, explaining what you learned, why it is your favorite and then stitch a sampler that would be typical of that kind.
This course is at least one third research with the rest being design and stitching.

Interview with Carolyn Standing Webb: History of Samplers and the Sampler Family Tree

More about The Sampler Family Tree

  • Class Details

    Time: Six months
    Class fee: $110
    Text fee: $40 PDF; $55 Hard copy
    Prerequisites: Experience with counted thread embroidery
    Supplies(Approximate): $35 – $50
    Format: Written instructions, communication through email, phone, mail, Zoom, Facetime or other conferencing software.
    ICC Pin Thread color: 3816

  • The Sampler Family Tree Lessons

    Part 1: 2 months study —send to the teacher 2 to 3 pages on a topic as in: school, materials, type, century. This must include footnotes and research sources and will be published on class blog.

    Part 2: 1 month for design— send to teacher. This is subject to alteration and revision as you stitch.

    Part 3: 6 months for stitching— send to teacher 2 to 3 times to check technique and progress.

  • About teacher Carolyn Standing Webb

    Carolyn Standing Webb has a degree in education but finds needlework much more rewarding to teach. She grew up in a home where art was a part of everyday life and creativity was encouraged. An EGA member of our Wasatch, Salt Lake City Chapter, she has been a needlework designer and teacher for over twenty years, teaching on the local, regional and national levels. She has a line of patterns available in retail stores. Several pieces of her work have been published in books and magazines and she has won a number of prizes for her needlework. She has her Master Craftsman in Counted Thread. Her goal is to share with her students her love of needlework and to help them relax and enjoy it.

  • More about our Individual Correspondence Courses

    Visit our Individual Correspondence Courses page for Frequently Asked Questions and more information on how our ICCs work.

    Note: Please read the Student Responsibilities on the ICC page before enrolling. The timeline for course completion begins when you register. There are no refunds for course or text fees so make your selection carefully.