It’s a new quarter and that means we have a fresh group of EGA educational opportunities for you to participate in!
From September 1st through December 1st we have the following GCCs available as Lightning Rounds. Lightning Rounds are 3-4 group correspondence courses made available for individuals to register without the need for a group. Learn more about Lightning Rounds
Perfectly Counted Crosses
How Does your Garden Grow?Teacher Carol Currier
Roses Blackwork ClassRoses uses a favorite flower to teach one method of working blackwork. Using a floral motif is in keeping with historic pieces done in one period when blackwork was a dominant technique.
Mark and Paint on Canvas and FabricIn Mark and Paint on Canvas and Fabric, you will mark and paint one design onto needlepoint canvas and one onto silk fabric.

We also have a new Designers Across America pattern this quarter. Try your hand at thread painting with this lovely member of the hellebore family. The Lenten Rose , a favorite in Victorian Gardens, has an interesting history dating back to ancient times. The design measures 10” x 8”. Click here to order it!
Don’t miss our online classes, some are open for registration right now and for others you can sign up to receive a reminder when registration starts! Learn more about EGA’s Online Classes
Goldwork Bracelet: Gold and RedComing soon: In Goldwork Bracelet with teacher Cynthia Jackson you will create a lovely band bracelet from beginning to end.
Beginning Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery with Judy CarusoRegistration now open: Beginning Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery features the creation of a Stitch Sampler using many beginner-level dimensional stitches, including Bullion and Cast-on Stitches.
Hidden Trellises with Merrilyn HeazlewoodRegistration now Open: Stitch a marvelous garden trellis in Hidden Trellises, a new online class with needlework teacher Merrilyn Heazlewood.
These classes and projects first appeared in our September 2020 issue of Needle Arts.