The Golden Needle Awards 2023 had many wonderful pieces. As Golden Needle Awards is a themed exhibit, the theme for Golden Needle Awards was “stitch party” and entrants entered pieces depicting “stitch party” along with an artist statement. You can see all the pieces in the 2023 Golden Needle Awards gallery.
J. Marsha Michler won many awards this year with her “Rag Doll in the Weeds” including Best in Show and Best depiction of the theme (stitch party). Her artist statement was a poem but I am sure you will agree her artist statement and her entry shows a stitch party.

Stitch Party: Rag Doll in the Weeds
Oh, the time they had with threads: yellows, blues, greens and reds.
The camaraderie – you couldn’t hear a bird in a tree.
All was fine till they had their tea, then they went to disagree
Over a bit of blush on the cheek — red is strong, pink is weak.
And after that it was the eyes – hazel it must be. No! Blue as the skies!
A scuffle ensued, threads flew, tea spewed.
Now lets look at her, it couldn’t hurt. They stood me in the dirt.
My poor shoes were soiled; all for this they toiled!
Oh dear, let’s stitch it over. Should have stood her in the clover.
How ’bout a yellow flower on her hand – no! purple is more grand!
And something on the bodice, a heart, a rose, more or less
What’s a doll to do but vent. Around the circle I went.
Stitches here, stitches there. Time flew with out a care.
They brewed another pot; named me on the spot. Jennifer, Hillary, Dorothy or Dot.
That is not how to name a dolly! Jolly Molly, Holly, Polly.
Then my destiny was at stake. My granddaughter is hers to take.
Excuse me, it’s my say! I did the most stitches, if I may.
Party’s over! All is done. No one gets her, but it was fun!
C’mon, stitchers, gather up, get the chairs, fetch that teacup
The party[s done, and there it all leads…I’m a rag doll in the weeds.
Golden Needle Awards 2024’s theme is “preserving”
We invite you to submit your entry showing the theme “preserving” which has many different definitions – show us what preserving means to you and also write about it in your artist statement (250 words or less) – you do not need to write a poem like J. Marsha Michler did, just a short statement is perfect, but it needs to show how your piece fits the theme (preserving) and if your piece is not original you must list the source of your inspiration (a photo or maybe something else). If your piece is non-original you need to credit the designer and remember, if it is an EGA class please mention the class and the teacher’s name.
When you think about preserving what comes to mind – is it preserving fabrics or needlework techniques, or is it preserving fruits and vegetables or is it preserving family history? What is it to you and submit your entry. The Golden Needle Awards information can be found here. An entry form is required which can be found here. Deadline to enter is June 15, 2024 – Now what is preserving to you?
— Ellie Ames, Education Exhibit Chair