At the Golden Needle Awards there are many awards granted, including in specific needlework techniques. First, second and third place ribbons may be given in specific techniques. The technique categories are: Surface, Canvas, Counted Thread, Silk & Metal and Beading. Please let us know which technique your entry falls in, but the judges may move a piece into a different category as they evaluate the entries. For example, the entrant places her piece in “surface” but the judges decide that the piece should be in the silk & metal category. Not all categories have first, second, and third place ribbons, as it is up to the evaluation by the judges. Keep in mind that Golden Needle Awards awards several different ribbons and a piece can win more than one ribbon, but will win only one ribbon in a technique. As an EGA member you can only enter one piece in Golden Needle Awards, and as Golden Needle Awards is a themed exhibit, your entry needs to follow the theme — in 2023 the theme was “stitch party”.
Most years we have entries in all five categories, but in 2023 we did not have any entries in counted thread. Here’s a closer look at the 2023 pieces with their techniques.
The winners in the Surface Category were:
J. Marsha Michler won 1st place with “Rag Doll in the Weeds”
Kim Beamish won third place with “Stitcher’s Party Hat”

The winners in the Canvas Category were:
Heather Gitlin won first place with “Where’s the Party?”

Melita Glavin won second place with “Lady Sybil”

Pamela Smith won third place with “Elegant Scissors Case”

The winner in Silk & Metal was:
Kathleen Weston won second place with “A Beautiful Tradition”

The winners in Beading were:
Gaye Smith won second place with “Minaret”

Sue Osterberg won third place with “Focus on PEACE”

Everyone has a favorite technique — what is yours — show us your piece in your favorite technique and tell us how your entry fits the theme of “preserving” in the 2024 Golden Needle Awards Exhibit. Only one entry per EGA member and your entry has to have been finished in the last five years. The maximum size for each entry is 18 inches. More requirements including the judging criteria may be found at
In 2024, the theme is “preserving” which can mean different things to different people. Golden Needle Awards accepts originals, adaptations, non-original entries, including EGA class pieces. In your artist statement please state the technique used and if your entry is original, non-original, adaptation and/or an EGA class piece.
We are looking forward to receiving your entry for Golden Needle Awards 2024. Read about the other ribbons available, submit your entry and learn more here. The deadline to enter is June 15.
– Ellie Ames, Education Exhibit Chair