Frequently Asked Questions
A business [or other organization] wants to put our members on its mailing list. Can we provide them with our membership list or email addresses?
Members can't profit from Membership
No. However, it is okay to let members know of the offer so those who want to provide the information voluntarily may do so at their own initiative.
A local organization wants to invite our chapter members to a program. Can we provide them with our membership list or email addresses for mailing purposes or provide mailing labels?
Members can't profit from Membership
No. EGA membership lists can be used only for EGA purposes. However, you can offer to address the envelopes for them, or to forward the invitation to your members.
Are back issues of Needle Arts available?
Needle Arts
Yes, available back issues may be purchased here or by calling EGA headquarters at 502-589-6956.
Are there any options available to those who can’t pay online?
Membership Renewals
While paying online with a credit card or Paypal is the easiest and preferred method of payment, we understand there are situations in which this is not possible. Members who can’t renew or pay online can send a check directly to EGA Headquarters at 501 Baxter Ave, Suite 200, Louisville KY 40204 along with a membership form available in Document Downloads for their membership to be processed. Please be aware that this process takes longer and you will need to wait until the check is received and processed to receive access. If you need help renewing online, please follow our Step-by-Step instructions here.
Are there restrictions on when the teacher could offer items for sale?
Members can't profit from Membership
At chapter or region classes selling should not take place during class. However, before or after class, during a lunch break, or other convenient time is acceptable.
At National Seminars selling is allowed only at the Merchandise event.
Are there specifications regarding articles, photography, and other items to be submitted?
Needle Arts
Yes. Submission guidelines can be requested from the embroidery editor, and are also available in the Document Downloads page (under All Categories, select Needle Arts).
Can a chapter have additional elected officer positions, such as vice president(s), membership coordinator, and region representative?
Chapter Officer Positions
Yes. A chapter can have as many additional elected officers as desired, but should avoid including a position it is not going to fill.
Can a chapter or region do a bylaws review before the scheduled year?
Bylaws Information
Yes, if there is a need. For example, if a chapter/region wishes to make several significant changes throughout its bylaws, or needs to incorporate a number of amendments which had been made since the current bylaws document was adopted, the chapter/region may schedule a bylaws review out of cycle.
Can a chapter set up its own scholarship in memory of someone, or for another reason?
Setting up Scholarships
Can a teacher sell merchandise in connection with a program/seminar/workshop?
Members can't profit from Membership
Yes, in accordance with established policy/procedures, and as described in any written contract with the teacher.
Can anyone sell items at chapter/region meetings or other chapter/region events?
Members can't profit from Membership
Yes, but in accordance with policy/procedures that have been established by the chapter or region. If policy/procedures do not address the situation, then the executive committee or board of directors of the chapter or region could make the determination. In the case of a chapter, the members might want to make the decision.
Can chapter officer positions be combined?
Chapter Officer Positions
Yes, but there must be at least 3 elected positions. To satisfy state laws governing non-profits, the positions of president and treasurer should not be combined.
Can I pay for a membership renewal for someone else while logged in to my account?
Membership Renewals
No, if you purchase memberships for various people under your login it will only extend your own membership. Every member wanting to renew must log in to their own account to renew.
Can life members be members-at-large?
Can members be reimbursed for expenditures such as kits, materials, supplies, administrative expenses (postage, telephone, copying), and mileage?
Members can't profit from Membership
Yes. Reimbursements can be made in accordance with established policies and procedures. Usually the member must complete a form and provide receipts.
Can members wear political buttons at EGA events?
Political Guidelines
Yes, but members should be careful to avoid actions or statements that could be interpreted as coming from EGA. For example, don’t pin the button to your nametag or EGA signage, no political literature on function tables, and so forth.
Can members-at-large be region members?
No. Per EGA bylaws, it is the chapters which are members of a region. Members-at-large are members who have chosen not to join a chapter.
Can members-at-large participate in chapter or region activities?
Yes, if invited to do so by the chapter or region. Also, chapters welcome visitors to their meetings, allowing individuals to visit for a set number of meetings before being asked to join (the number of meetings varies from chapter to chapter.)
Can our bylaws provide for voting without a meeting?
Bylaws Information
Yes. Contact the EGA director of bylaws for appropriate language.
Can our bylaws provide that individuals may serve unlimited terms in the same office?
Bylaws Information
Can staff at EGA headquarters tell me when I joined my chapter?
No. Members’ join dates are not tracked by EGA headquarters.
Can the secretary and treasurer be combined as secretary/treasurer?
Chapter Officer Positions
Yes, but you will need a president and at least 1 other position to maintain the required minimum number of 3 elected positions.
Can we have different terms of office for different positions?
Bylaws Information
Can we provide for voting by proxy or the use of absentee ballots?
Bylaws Information
Robert’s Rules of Order strongly recommends against proxy voting or the use of absentee ballots because they limit a member’s right to hear and participate in debates. If your chapter or region feels it has a need for proxy voting or absentee balloting, contact the EGA director of bylaws for appropriate language.
Can we report changes of address, telephone number, or email address on the renewal form?
No. Members can make updates to their address, telephone number, or email address directly on their profile page. After logging in, you can update your information by clicking Edit Contact Information on the left side of your profile, under Account Settings. Chapter members should also make sure their chapter has their updated information.
Do I have to be an officer to access the Officer’s Notebook?
Officer's Notebook
No. It is available to all members in the Document Downloads section.
Do members have to join a chapter?
No. Members not wishing to join a chapter, may join EGA as a member-at-large.
Do regions/chapters have to do charitable outreach to maintain EGA’s non-profit status?
No. EGA is a non-profit educational organization. Our non-profit status is maintained by providing education at the national, region, and chapter levels.
Does EGA no longer have prorated dues for memberships?
Membership Renewals
Correct. Prorated memberships have caused confusion for members and with these changes and the new recurring payments capabilities this will no longer be needed.
Does it make a difference if the organization is non-profit?
Members can't profit from Membership
Doesn’t this conflict with the provision in bylaws which states that members can’t profit from membership in EGA?
Members can't profit from Membership
No. Basically that provision means that a member who has a conflict of interest in a matter under consideration should not participate in a decision on such a matter. It is advisable that a member who has a conflict of interest not be present during the discussion and voting. For example, in a situation where a member, or a member’s relative, offers to provide a professional service.
How are the members of the board elected?
EGA Board of Directors
The 7 officials who constitute the executive committee are elected every 3 years at the EGA Annual Meeting. Each of the region directors is elected by the region’s board of directors.
How can I contact Headquarters?
There are many ways to contact headquarters:
Contact Form: Link
Phone Number: 502-589-6956
By Mail or in Person: 501 Baxter Ave, Suite 200, Louisville KY 40204
How can I find a certified embroidery teacher, judge, or appraiser?
Our Locate a Professional page has a list of EGA certified professionals in the embroidery field including certified teachers, certified appraisers and certified judges.
How can I log out of this website?
There is a link to log out on your profile under Account Settings and also on the navigation under Members Only.
How can I turn off recurring payments?
Membership Renewals
From your Profile, visit the My subscriptions page and turn off the Auto-Renew toggle. Blue means the auto-renew it’s on, gray means it’s off.
How can we update our Chapter’s information?
Chapter Questions, Website
If any of your chapter’s information needs to be updated on the website, please email with all the changes needed.
How do I change my password?
If you would like to change your password, you can do that here:
Note: You will need to be logged in to update your password.
How do I find information regarding membership, recruiting, rules to operate chapters and similar information?
Chapter Questions
EGA has Policies & Procedures along with a number of helpful forms and informational material. All of this information is on the website in the Document Downloads page after logging into the website.
How do I go about donating money to EGA?
Donating to EGA
There are several types of donations you may make. Read more about donations here:
How do I know if recurring payments are off on my account?
Membership Renewals
From your Profile, visit the My subscriptions page and check to see if the Auto-Renew toggle is off and that your Payment says Via Manual Renewal.
How does a chapter establish its elected officer positions?
Chapter Officer Positions
The elected officer positions are established by the chapter’s bylaws.
How is a meeting managed in the absence of the president, vice president, and secretary?
Parliamentary Questions
Any member may call the meeting to order, and then a temporary chair would be agreed upon by the members, either by vote or by general consent.
How often must a chapter or region do a bylaws review?
Bylaws Information
At least every 10 years, each region, and all chapters within the region, must review bylaws according to the following schedule.
2024 –Pacific Southwest Region
2025 – Rocky Mountain Region
2026 – South Central Region
2027 – Sun & Tennessee Valley Regions
2028 – Carolinas & Greater Pacific Regions
2029 – Great Lakes Region
2030 – Heartland Region
2031 – Metropolitan Region
2032 – Mid-Atlantic Region
2033 – New England
2034 – (Schedule revolves to beginning) -
How will chapters know that a member has joined their chapter?
Membership Renewals
Chapters will receive information about new members joining their chapter within about a week of the registration being received. During the usual renewal months of April, May and June, chapters and regions will receive a monthly list from EGA Headquarters of the chapter memberships that have been received. Chapters and regions will also receive an electronic payment from Headquarters for their new members and renewals.
How will the chapter where I am a plural member know that I’m a member of another primary chapter?
Membership Renewals
You can provide the chapter with your member number and renewal date and they can confirm it by contacting EGA headquarters.
I am a Life member of a chapter, will I be paying my chapter membership dues online?
Membership Renewals
Not at this moment. Because no part of the dues from Life members comes to EGA national, Life members must pay chapter dues directly to their chapter and region if applicable. We are looking at adding the ability for Life members to pay chapter dues online as a future update.
I am a plural member of a chapter, will I be paying my plural membership dues online?
Membership Renewals
Not at this moment. Because no part of the dues from plural members comes to EGA national, Plural memberships must be paid directly to the plural chapter and region if applicable. We are looking at adding the ability to pay plural chapter dues as a future update.
I don’t know or have forgotten my membership number. How can I find this information?
You may check your membership card, check the mailing label of Needle Arts, contact your chapter’s membership officer, or contact EGA headquarters.
I have lost my membership card. Can I get a replacement?
Yes, contact your chapter’s membership officer. If you are a member at large, contact EGA headquarters.
I have recently joined EGA, when will I receive membership information?
A new member packet will be mailed to you within two weeks of receipt of your dues at EGA headquarters.
I haven’t received my Needle Arts magazine. What should I do?
Membership, Needle Arts
If you are an EGA member and are having trouble receiving your Needle Arts magazines, let us know using the Contact Us form here and selecting the Needle Arts: Subscription Issues category.
I haven’t renewed yet but would like to change my chapter, can I do that?
Membership Renewals
Yes, instead of renewing from your profile, you will need to look for your new chapter on the Chapter Map page and join it through the link under the chapter name. Once you have placed your order, you should be able to visit the My Subscriptions page and click View next to the subscription for your previous chapter and cancel that one there.
I need help logging in. What do I do?
If you are an EGA member and haven’t logged in before, but you do receive our emails, you may enter your email address under Lost Your Password? on the Login Page. You will then receive an email with information on resetting your password. If you have issues please email and let the team at EGA Headquarters know and we will assist you with your password.
If after following the steps above you don’t receive an email with your login information, it is most likely because we don’t have an email address for you, have an old one, or the email we have is not connected to your membership. If this is your case, please email and we’ll make sure your correct email is in the system.
Note: Your username will be your email address, not your member number. And your password for our previous website(before 2018) won’t work since we are using a new, more secure system.
I’m a member at large and would like to change my membership to a chapter, is this possible?
Membership Renewals
If you haven’t renewed your at-large membership yet, you can simply visit the Chapter Map, select the chapter of your choice and join it by clicking Join or Renew. Once you have placed your order, you should be able to visit the My Subscriptions page and click View next to the subscription for your At-large membership and cancel that one there. If you already renewed your at-large membership, we’d love to help you join a chapter. Send us an email at and we can assist you.
If a bylaws review is done early, will this change the date of the next required review?
Bylaws Information
No. The 10-year schedule was set on a region-by-region basis so that in no single year is the bylaws review committee inundated with work. However, if the bylaws have been recently updated, the 10-year review should be quick.
If a chapter changes their dues, who should they notify?
Membership Renewals
Chapter treasurers should notify Headquarters immediately when a change happens in their dues so the proper changes can be made online and the chapter is properly compensated.
If a membership has lapsed and the member rejoins, will she or he keep the same membership id number?
Yes, in most cases.
Is it necessary to set up a separate bank account?
Setting up Scholarships
No. It could be part of the annual budget. That is, the chapter can budget a certain amount for scholarships in one year. Accounting should be maintained so that the amount of scholarship(s) awarded in one year does not exceed the amount budgeted. Chapter members, or its board of directors, could approve going over budget.
Is it okay for a chapter or region to establish a policy prohibiting the wearing of political buttons at the chapter’s or region’s event?
Political Guidelines
No. However, a chapter or region may adopt a policy suggesting that members not discuss contentious issues, but instead focus on the mission of embroidery and embroidery education.
Is it okay to pay members for their services?
Members can't profit from Membership
Yes. Bylaws provide that national, a region, or a chapter may “…contract with individual members in their professional capacities.”
Is it permissible for EGA chapters to meet in needlework shops?
Chapter Questions
Meeting in local businesses, including local needlework shops, is permissible, but avoid the perception it is an EGA-preferred vendor.
Is it permissible for EGA, chapters, or regions to support or oppose candidates running for office?
Political Guidelines
No. EGA’s nonprofit status prevents EGA, including chapters and regions, from supporting or opposing candidates running for office.
Is it possible to amend bylaws?
Bylaws Information
Yes. EGA has a bylaws amendment template to make it easy.
Is the business portion of a regularly scheduled meeting necessary?
Parliamentary Questions
Yes, if a quorum is present. According to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (commonly called “Robert’s Rules”), regular meetings mean the “periodic business meetings” of an organization so it would follow that the business portion is necessary. However, members could decide to shorten a particular meeting by general consent or by a specific motion on the day of the meeting. Under general consent the presiding officer would call the meeting to order and then say something like “If there is no objection, we will dispense with the business meeting today and adjourn.”
If the meeting section of your bylaws includes a clause which reads something like “…unless otherwise ordered by the membership or the board of directors,” the membership/board of directors could vote to dispense with a business meeting that is scheduled for a particular date. For example, if a regular meeting is scheduled for March 2016, you could vote not to have the business meeting that day, but you could not vote to dispense with all March meetings except by changing the bylaws.
Is there a EGA bylaws template to follow?
Bylaws Information
Yes. EGA has prepared sample chapter and region bylaws which may be downloaded and edited as needed to fit the chapter/region’s needs. Certain provisions are mandated and must be included in all bylaws.
Is there a selection process for membership?
No. Members may not be selected by any voting process or examination of their qualifications at embroidery, etc.
May project instructions from Needle Arts be used for teaching at a chapter or region-sponsored outreach program?
Needle Arts
No. The projects are for the use of EGA members only.
May we make the instructions available to non-members who are attending a chapter program as visitors?
Needle Arts
The non-members could use the instructions during the program but would not be able to keep them.
May we reproduce project instructions from Needle Arts for use with a chapter program?
Needle Arts
Yes, if it is a program scheduled for chapter members.
My chapter’s 10-year bylaws review is coming up soon. If we want to change the officer positions, can we do it as part of the review?
Chapter Officer Positions
My password doesn’t work. What should I do?
If you are an EGA member and haven’t received your password in your email: Visit and enter your email address under Lost Your Password? and press Reset Password. You should then receive an email with instructions on setting up a password.
If after following those instructions you don’t receive your password, chances are we don’t have your most current email in our database. If this is the case, please email so we can make sure your account is updated and we can send you your new login information.
Note: Your username will be your email address, not your member number.
On the My Subscriptions page I see information that an order was already but I haven’t renewed yet, what does that mean?
Membership Renewals
The date that says X days ago was when we added the current memberships to all members on the website, that’s what allows you to see your membership as being covered through May 31, 2024. It makes it possible for members to renew their subscription. You will not be charged for this order, only for your renewal order.
Should a chapter want to make changes to its officer positions, what is the procedure?
Chapter Officer Positions
This is accomplished through an amendment to the bylaws. The proposed amendment should be submitted to the EGA Bylaws Review Chair for approval before it is voted on by the chapter members. Instructions and an amendment template are available in the Document Downloads section.
Should EGA chapters or regions file tax returns with the IRS?
Tax Filings and Letters/Notices from IRS
No. EGA files a tax return, known as Form 990, which covers the national organization and all regions and chapters.
Should the bylaws be reviewed by an EGA official before being presented to chapter membership or region board for approval?
Bylaws Information
Yes. The EGA chapter/region bylaws review chair will review the document and advise you of any changes that might be needed to address conflicts between provisions and to assure the inclusion of all mandatory provisions.
The back issue I am looking for is not available for purchase, may I request a copy of an article?
Needle Arts
Yes, in most cases. Contact EGA headquarters to check availability of the article, delivery options, and possible mailing costs.
The IRS has notified us that we haven’t filed a Form 990/990EZ or 990-N. What should we do?
Tax Filings and Letters/Notices from IRS
1. Complete the form as follows.
a. Do not check or complete any items under number 1 on page 3.
b. Check the box on page 4 for the sentence that begins “My organization is a subordinate organization…” and fill in the blanks as follows:
Name: The Embroiderers’ Guild of America Local and Regional Chapters
EIN: 51-0201050.
c. Check “Other reason for not filing” on page 4, and for the explanation state “Filing deadline for EIN 51-0201050 was extended.”
d. Sign and date under item 2, remembering to include the title of the person signing the form.
2. Keep a copy of the completed form for your chapter records and mail or email a copy to EGA headquarters.
3. Mail the original to the IRS.
We don’t know a member’s membership number, what should we do?
Ask the member. If the member hasn’t received it, contact EGA headquarters.
We have received a letter/notice from the IRS which we do not know how to handle. What should we do?
Tax Filings and Letters/Notices from IRS
Immediately send it to EGA headquarters for handling.
We have received another notice stating “You didn’t file a Form 990/990EZ or 990-N.” What should we do?
Tax Filings and Letters/Notices from IRS
Immediately send the notice to EGA headquarters for handling.
What about setting up a reserve fund for accounting purposes?
Setting up Scholarships
Not required, but can be done. The board of directors or chapter members would need to vote to set it up, and it would be necessary to track the incoming and outgoing amounts. Since a reserve fund would be part of the chapter’s financial assets, it would still be necessary to budget for the payment.
What about special provisions?
Bylaws Information
Occasionally a chapter or region has a need to address a matter which is not provided for in the sample bylaws. Contact the EGA director of bylaws for assistance.
What are bylaws and why are they important to me as a member?
Bylaws Information
Bylaws are a special set of rules. EGA is an IRS-recognized, tax-exempt nonprofit organization (“exempt organization”). The IRS requires exempt organizations to have formal rules which describe how the organization is governed and how it will operate. These rules are called bylaws. In addition to its national bylaws, EGA requires its regions and chapters to have their own bylaws. Bylaws answer questions like the following for members:
- What officers, board members and committees does my chapter (region) have?
- How are the officers and committee members elected and/or selected?
- When does my chapter (region) meet?
- How does my chapter (region) manage its finances?
To learn more about chapter bylaws, click here. For region bylaws, click here. For EGA national bylaws, click here.
What are some of the other non-mandated provisions?
Bylaws Information
Non-mandated provisions include those addressing additional officer positions, meeting quorums, standing committees, timing and frequency of chapter and board meetings, makeup of the nominating committee, how to fill an officer vacancy, and when officer elections take place. These are all matters that are specific to each chapter/region.
What are the date and location of the EGA Annual Meeting?
EGA Annual Meetings
The annual meeting is held in conjunction with the national seminar; the date of each national seminar is advertised in Needle Arts, on the website’s Event page, and in e-News. The exact date and time are published in the seminar brochure.
What are the due dates for submitting articles, photographs, and other items to Needle Arts?
Needle Arts
February 1 for June issue
May 1 for September issue
July 25 for December issue
November 1 for March issue
What are the minimum officer positions required for a chapter?
Chapter Officer Positions
The 3 positions of president, secretary, and treasurer.
What constitutes a member in good standing?
Members in good standing are those whose membership dues are up to date.
What does the new member packet include?
The packet includes a membership card, a Where Needle Art Lives totebag, Needle Arts magazine, and more.
What if the policy/procedures are silent on the matter?
Members can't profit from Membership
The executive committee or board of directors of the chapter or region could make the decision for each particular event. In the case of a chapter, the question might be put to the membership or maybe just to those participating in the event.
What if there is no contract, or the contract is silent on the matter?
Members can't profit from Membership
The chapter or region’s policy/procedures would govern.
What if we are co-sponsoring an event with another organization? Can we provide our membership list or email addresses to that organization for mailing?
Members can't profit from Membership
No, as stated above.
What is “general consent?”
Parliamentary Questions
This is a time saving step which can be used by the presiding officer when there seems to be no opposition in routine business or on uncontroversial matters. Also known as “unanimous consent,” “general consent” can be used as long as you have a quorum and do not violate a ByLaw. The presiding officer states, “If there is no objection [ ] is adopted [or approved, etc.].”
What is a quorum?
Parliamentary Questions
A quorum is the minimum number of voting members who must be present at a properly called meeting in order to conduct business in the name of the chapter or region, board of directors, etc.
What is involved in a “bylaws review?”
Bylaws Information
Each chapter/region is required to review its bylaws to ensure the document is up-to-date, then submit a new document for approval. It is a fairly easy process.
The current document is updated to reflect amendments, if any, which had been approved. It is then compared to the “sample bylaws” to make sure that all mandated provisions are included. Non-mandated provisions are reviewed to determine whether the chapter or region needs to make changes.
Your chapter/region will be contacted when it is your turn for a bylaws review. Before you jump in, please reach out to the EGA director of bylaws. It’s her job to make this process smooth and simple.
What is meant by “professional capacity?”
Members can't profit from Membership
This is a wide-ranging term which includes the types of services that could be provided by a member.
Examples include but are not limited to: teaching, needlework/craft/fiber arts materials and supplies, printing/copying, framing, quilt shop, bead shop, public relations, consulting, legal, accounting.
What is my Profile page for?
After logging in, you will be taken to your personal Profile page. If you visit another page of our website, you can always go back to your profile page by clicking Profile on the top right corner of the screen.
These are some of the things you can do on your Profile:
Update your contact information and password: This can be done by clicking Edit Contact Information on the left section of your Profile. When you edit your information there, this will automatically update it in our records at headquarters.
Access Members-only information: Petite Projects and Document Downloads can now be found on the center section of your Profile.
Connect and communicate with other EGA members: To see other members, click here or click Member Directory on the center section of your Profile. You can become someone’s friend on the Members Directory page or by visiting their profile and clicking Add Friend under their Profile Photo.
Join and participate in Embroidery groups: To see the groups available, click here or click Group Directory on the center section of your Profile.
What is parliamentary procedure?
Parliamentary Questions
It is a set of rules for conduct at meetings that allows everyone to be heard and to make decisions without confusion. Most organizations from Congress to EGA use the rules set forth in “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (commonly called “Robert’s Rules”)”.
What is the approval process?
Bylaws Information
A chapter must have its bylaws and amendments, approved by the chapter membership. In the case of a region, it is the region’s board of directors which has the authority to adopt or amend the region bylaws.
A 2/3 vote in favor is required after a 30 days’ written notice in advance of the meeting at which the bylaws will be voted on. A quorum must be present at the meeting.
What is the parliamentary authority for EGA?
Parliamentary Questions
The parliamentary authority for all of EGA is the current edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (commonly called “Robert’s Rules”)”. EGA national, region, and chapter bylaws are written in such a way that as a new edition of Robert’s Rules is published, it automatically replaces the previous edition as EGA’s parliamentary authority. This book is now in its 11th edition.
While there are many books available with “Robert’s Rules” in the title, be aware that only the 2011 editions of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, published by Da Capo Press, are the current, official versions. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised In Brief may be useful as a supplementary reference. The official RONR website may also be helpful.
What is the process for forming a new chapter?
Chapter Questions
You can learn more about the process in the Guidelines for Chapter Formation document.
What is the process to amend bylaws?
Bylaws Information
It is similar to that for a “bylaws review.” For additional information, see the amendment template and instructions available in the Document Downloads section.
What is the purpose of Stitch in Public Day?
Stitch in Public Day
The purpose of Stitch in Public Day is to promote EGA and embroidery. Embroidery is labeled as a needlework craft and involves a range of stitching from simple hand stitching to high tech computerized stitching. Most American consumers do not realize the magnitude of the art or the skill involved with embroidery.
What is the purpose of the mandated text?
Bylaws Information
Some of the mandated text is required by IRS regulations or state law. Other provisions are required because they have been approved by the EGA national board of directors.
What is the significance of not having a quorum?
Parliamentary Questions
No business can be transacted, including voting on motions and approving minutes. Reports can be heard and members can engage in general discussion. The presiding officer could call the meeting to order and then adjourn after the secretary announces that a quorum isn’t present.
What kinds of activities and events constitute outreach?
EGA’s Outreach is defined as activities that increase the awareness of EGA as well as promoting membership. Outreach events may also include EGA-sponsored activities that benefit the communities around our chapters. Visit the Outreach page for more information.
What recordkeeping or other formalities should we observe?
Setting up Scholarships
The scholarship guidelines should be in writing, and approved by chapter members.
The scholarship should be open to all chapter members.
It is best to establish a committee of more than one person to decide who will receive the scholarship. -
What should be included in the advance written notice?
Bylaws Information
A complete copy of the bylaws and an explanation of, and rationale, for any changes.
What should be included in the guidelines?
Setting up Scholarships
Purpose of the scholarship.
Statement that all members are eligible.
Other conditions to be met, if any.
Who is responsible for determining the recipient; that is, the members of the committee.
Procedure and deadline for applying.
Frequency and number of awards.
Amount to be awarded.
Deadline by which the committee will determine the award.
Date on which the award will be announced.
All applicants will be notified of the results before the winner is announced. -
What should we do after the bylaws are approved by the chapter membership/region board?
Bylaws Information
The president, or region director if region, signs and dates several copies of the document. The date should be the date the document is approved by the membership/region board. See bylaws checklist and instructions available in the Document Downloads section for further information.
What will my renewal date be if I have multiple plural chapters and paid them at different times?
Membership Renewals
Membership fees cover you for a full year. At this time plural member fees will be paid directly to that chapter and not online. The chapter where you are a plural member will be in charge of providing you with your renewal date for that plural membership.
What’s the copyright on the content of this site?
No part of this website may be published, reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever (including electronic, mechanical, photocopy) other than for personal or chapter/region use without written permission from the copyright holder.
When and where does the EGA board of directors meet?
EGA Board of Directors
The EGA board of directors meets at least twice a year: in the spring at headquarters and in conjunction with the national seminar.
When is Stitch in Public Day?
Stitch in Public Day
The first Saturday of February was designated as EGA’s national Stitch in Public day to coincide with National Embroidery Month.
Chapters that may not be able to participate in February, may select another date to stitch in a public place to get the word out about EGA and its mission.
When should I expect to receive each issue of Needle Arts?
Needle Arts
You should receive your Needle Arts within the first two weeks of March, June, September, and December.
Where can I find bylaws documents?
Bylaws Information, Website
All documents pertaining chapter and region bylaws including templates, working copies, and more can be found in Document Downloads.
Where can I find chapters in my area?
Chapter Questions
Visit the Chapter Map and enter your zipcode to find a chapter in your area.
Where can I find Document Downloads?
Document Downloads is a members-only section that includes EGA documentation regarding a wide variety of topics ranging from our Who’s Who Directory, Bylaws, chapter and region documents and forms, to Marketing and Branding resources.
Once you are logged in to the website, you will see Document Downloads in the top center section of your profile, under Member Resources. If you can’t see Document Downloads and Petite Projects, please Contact us to make sure you have proper access.
The Document Downloads section has easy to access categories and its own search bar to help you find the documents you are looking for.
Where can I find Extended Study Programs?
Extended Study Programs can be found in the Events section.
Where can I find GCC and ICC Documents?
Registration Paperwork, Thread Colors, and Pilot Stitcher application for Group Correspondence Courses can be found on the GCC page, under GCC Documents and more information.
Registration Paperwork, Thread Colors, and Pilot Stitcher application for Individual Correspondence Courses can be found on the ICC page.
Where can I find information about EGA Scholarships and Awards?
EGA offers scholarships and awards to encourage study and excellence in needlework.
If you are looking for information about the Gold Thread Award, Bobbie Pilling Award, or any other Scholarship & Awards information, visit the Scholarships & Awards page.
Where can I find minutes of the EGA Annual Meeting?
EGA Annual Meetings
Minutes are available to all members in the Document Downloads section, or by requesting a hard copy from headquarters.
Where can I find Petite Projects?
Petite Projects is a collection of over 60 beautiful projects in a wide-range of techniques made available as a benefit to EGA members.
Once you are logged in to the website, you will see Petite Projects on the top center section of your profile, under Member Resources.
If you are interested in getting access to the Petite Projects, you can learn more about becoming an EGA Member here.
Where can I find resources for promoting Stitch in Public Day?
Stitch in Public Day
Visit the Stitch in Public Day page for more information. Membership brochures can be requested here at no charge.
Where can I find the Glossary of Terms?
The Glossary of Terms is the work of many members of EGA. They have given of their time and knowledge to create a serious work comprised of usable definitions of terms used in the field of needlework.
You can find the Glossary of Terms here.
Where can I find the library?
The Dorothy Babcock Memorial Library consists of a lending library of more than 2000 needlework books and a non-circulating reference section of rare and historic materials. Members are welcome to borrow up to four books at a time for a period of 30 days. Books are shipped via USPS Media Mail and borrowers are responsible for shipping and handling.
You can find the Library in the Resources section, or by clicking here.
Where can I find the Master Craftsman programs?
The aim of the Master Craftsman programs is to reward those who demonstrate mastery of a technique, enabling them to reach excellence in needlework.
A link to the Master Craftsman Programs can be found in the Get Certified section, or by clicking here.
Where can I find the Technical Excellence Programs?
EGA’s Technical Excellence Programs are designed to recognize excellence in the execution of hand embroidery. These programs give the experienced needleworker the opportunity to demonstrate excellence in their area of expertise.
A link to the Technical Excellence Programs can be found in the Education section of the website menu, or by clicking here.
Where can I obtain a copy of the minutes of the national board of directors?
EGA Board of Directors
Board minutes are available to all members in the Document Downloads section, or by requesting a hard copy from headquarters.
Where should I send suggestions for articles?
Needle Arts
Please send your suggestions to
Who are the members of the EGA board of directors?
EGA Board of Directors
The 20-member board of directors consist of the 7 nationally-elected officals (who constitute the executive committee) and a director from each of the 13 regions.
Who can attend the Annual Meeting?
EGA Annual Meetings
Anyone may attend.
Why is it necessary to have that provision in bylaws?
Members can't profit from Membership
Federal and state laws provide that non-profit organizations cannot be operated to benefit private interests.
Why is parliamentary procedure Important?
Parliamentary Questions
Because it’s a time tested method of conducting business at meetings and public gatherings. It can be adapted to fit the needs of any organization.
Why is the minimum number of elected officers set at 3?
Chapter Officer Positions
That is the minimum number that will satisfy all state laws and IRS requirements for non-profit organizations.
Why will renewal dates be at the end of the month and not the actual day I joined?
Membership Renewals
This helps us for accounting purposes and managing communications with those who need to renew.
Will all members be paying all their dues directly to national?
Membership Renewals
Yes, when paying online through the EGA website, members will pay one fee that includes their National, Chapter and Region dues. EGA National will then electronically send the dues to the necessary chapters and regions.
Will I receive a receipt after I renew my membership?
Membership Renewals
Just as in all sales thru the EGA website you will receive a receipt for the transaction.
Will renewal dates change from being on the 31st of May?
Membership Renewals
Renewal dates will change from always being on the 31st of May to being one year after the last day of the month they joined. If you renew your membership on May 15 of 2024, your renewal date will be May 30 of 2025. If you renew your membership on June 17 of 2024, your next renewal date will be June 30 of 2025.
Will there be a late fee if I do not pay my dues on time?
Membership Renewals
There will be no late fee. Your renewal date will change to the last day of the month when you do renew. During the time you are not a member you will not receive the benefits of membership.