More Than a Rose with Melinda Sherbring

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$200 per Group + $50 Text per Student
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More Than a Rose

Learn stitches and raised work techniques used on English sweet bags from the 1600s!

Our Group Correspondence Course More Than a Rose is a small piece designed to introduce students to some stitches and raised work techniques used on English sweet bags ca. 1600. The student should be familiar with Tent stitch, able to follow a stitch diagram, and willing to make decisions based on a range of presented alternatives typical of that time period. Students may follow the choices made on the model or test their wings with alternatives. This project is worked on a linen ground with your choice of cotton or silk floss and with gold and silver passing threads, providing a taste of goldwork without a large investment in gold materials. The techniques are a mixture of Tent stitch, surface embroidery, and needlelace. The text shows how to work Plaited Braid, four varieties of Corded Detached Buttonhole, three varieties of Ceylon, Offset Cross, and other more familiar stitches.

Interview with Melinda Sherbring: Past, Present & Future of Historical Embroidery

More about More Than a Rose

  • Class Details

    Project: Framed Piece
    Size: Approximately 5″ x 3.5″
    Color Choices: Gold, silver, and three shades each of red, blue, green, and brown
    Fabric: 8″ x 10″ white or off-white linen, 28- to 36-count
    Threads: Gold and silver threads (list of non-tarnish alternatives to precious metals is provided); lizerine; choice of cotton floss, spun silk, or flat silk threads
    Proficiency Level: Intermediate
    Prerequisites: Familiarity with tent stitch and willingness to make decisions based on presented alternatives
    Time: Six lessons scheduled over six to nine months
    Fee per group: $200
    Text: $50 per student; 60 pages with color images
    Supplies (approximate): About $35 (cotton threads, non-tarnish metal threads, sharing lizerine), or $70 (Soie Ovale, non-tarnish metal threads, sharing lizerine), or $140 (Soie d’Alger, genuine metal threads, own lizerine)

  • About teacher Melinda Sherbring

    Melinda was a software engineer in Southern California’s aerospace industry from 1975-2013. Through her historical re-enactment hobby, she researched and published booklets on Pictish art, heraldry, and manuscripts. She found EGA in 1992, expanding her horizons to historical embroidery and studying surviving works at museums worldwide. Her first EGA Group Correspondence Course, More Than a Rose, appeared in 2016. Melinda now teaches, writes, and publishes as Threads of History. She also teaches one of our newest Group Correspondence Courses Sweet Bag Sewed of Silver and Gold with Melinda Sherbring.

    Needle Arts Profile: Designer and Teacher Melinda Sherbring
  • More about our Group Correspondence Courses and GCC Lightning Rounds

    Visit our Group Correspondence Courses page for the registration form and for more information on how our GCCs work.

    Our GCC Lightning Rounds are three or four of our Group Correspondence Courses that have been hand-picked by our Education Department and made available for individual EGA members to register without a group for a limited time. Visit our GCC Lightning Rounds page to see which courses are available this quarter!

     There are no refunds for course or text fees so make your selection carefully.