Every year, EGA stitchers from across the country and around the globe descend upon an American city to commune with fellow stitchers and learn from some of the best needleworkers in our industry for EGA’s National Seminar. This year, our National Seminar will take place in Atlanta, Georgia, from August 14 to August 18, 2024.
Over the years, we’ve expanded National Seminar to include more opportunities for education, inspiration, and community. This complete guide to EGA National Seminar provides an overview of the National Seminar features.
Note: EGA National Seminar is open to both EGA members and non-members, although non-members are charged an additional fee. Registration for National Seminar closes on May 15.
Each National Seminar Class includes a proficiency level: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and All Levels.
Classes occur throughout National Seminar and run from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Class lengths range between 1 and 4 days long and adhere to the following schedule and class title system:
100 – 1 Day Classes – Friday
200 – 2 Day Classes – Wednesday and Thursday
300 – 3 Day Classes – Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
400 – 4 Day Classes – Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday
500 – 2 Day Classes – Saturday and Sunday
For example, the above floral design is for “215 Blackwork Shading Rose”—a 2-day class on Wednesday and Thursday with Patricia Goaley.
National Seminar classes are available on a first come, first served basis. Registrants to National Seminar are informed immediately about availability for classes they wish to attend. If the class is full, they may enroll in a second-choice class and add themselves to the waitlist for the full class. EGA charges a non-refundable administration fee to be placed on a waitlist.
Region Mini Classes
Each year, the host region for National Seminar offers a selection of Region Mini Classes. These mini classes happen on a single evening and require separate registration. Like National Seminar Classes, region mini classes are offered on a first come, first served basis and include a waitlist option.
National Seminar Virtual Classes
Virtual classes for National Seminar follow a tighter registration schedule, opening in late February and closing on July 15. Because these classes are virtual, the actual class schedule occurs after the conclusion of National Seminar, between October and December. Virtual classes include a kit and kit fee, and may include a class video recording attendees can access later.
National Seminar Tours
This year EGA National Seminar includes needlework themed tours of the host city—Atlanta.
2024 National Seminar: Preserving Needle Art has extended three tours for Atlanta, all occurring on Friday. These three tours offer limited availability and will fill on a first come, first served basis. The tour times overlap, so registrants may choose only one tour to attend.
National Seminar registration is not a prerequisite for participation in the tours; anyone may attend for a separate tour fee. Each tour also requires a “tour angel,” a volunteer position to help steward attendees and ensure all who have registered are present and accounted for upon the departure and return trips.
The 2024 Atlanta tours include visits to the Textile Center at the Atlanta History Center, the Japanese Embroidery Center(seen above), and Atlanta’s High Museum of Art and The Woodruff Arts Center.
The Golden Needle Awards
The Golden Needle Awards recognize themed needleworks entered by EGA members for the annual judged awards exhibit at National Seminar.
The theme for each year’s Golden Needle Awards ties in to the National Seminar theme. For 2024, the theme is “Preserving,” in line with “Preserving Needle Arts.” Any needlework pieces that loosely tie to the theme of “preserving,” whether as “conservation, care, preservation” or “preserving needlework techniques as in making a quilt or using old fabrics” qualify. You can still participate in this year’s awards. Entry Forms need to be submitted by June 15, 2024.
During the National Seminar, winners are announced and ribbons awarded in the areas of Canvas, Counted Thread, Surface Embroidery and Beading, and special awards include Judges’ Choice, Best of Show, Viewers’ Choice, Best depiction of Theme, and Best EGA class.
The Education Exhibit

The Education Exhibit at EGA National Seminar showcases the educational opportunities EGA affords its members. At the Education Exhibit, attendees can see the beautiful needlework EGA students have created during coursework, the qualifying pieces from the Master Craftsman program, pieces from the Golden Needle Awards and Fiber Forum, as well as sneak peeks at course offerings for the next year’s National Seminar.
Selections at the Education Exhibit may vary from year to year. For example, the above tea cozy was part of a Tea Cozy Exhibit featured at the Education Exhibit for 2023 National Seminar: Boston Tea Party.
Fiber Forum

During National Seminar, Fiber Forum members converge with Fiber Forum Friends, or anyone interested in learning more about Fiber Forum. Needlework pieces from the year’s juried Fiber Forum members are exhibited in the Education Exhibit as well.
Learn more about joining Fiber Forum.
Stitchin’ Time
Stitchin’ Time creates the space and opportunity for EGA members and non-members alike to gather together and do what they love most: stitch!
Stitchin’ Time is available every day of National Seminar from 8:00 am – 10:00 pm. Attendee pricing varies depending on whether you’re an EGA member and/or registered in a reserved hotel block for National Seminar. Registration includes special swag and the opportunity to win daily door prizes.
Evening stitchers might be interested in Night Owls Stitchin’ Time, which occurs each evening from Wednesday through Saturday from 4:30 pm until 10:00 pm.
Pop Up Shops
National Seminar includes multiple Pop-Up Shops available every day of the event, with opening times ranging between 9:00 am and noon, and closing times ranging between 8:00 pm and 9:00 pm.
The Pop-Up Shops are hosted in an entire wing of rooms (3-4 rooms) and over a dozen vendors, in addition to a faculty night on Thursday evening. All shops are listed in the seminar handbook with dates and times of operation. Merchandise includes kits, beads, fabric, thread, tools, storage supplies, and more.

Each National Seminar has its own line of official merchandise, which can be pre-ordered early from Seminar Central. A selection of EGA products will also be available at seminar, for those who want to save on shipping costs for EGA merch!