Master Craftsman: Surface Embroidery


Our Master Craftsman: Surface Embroidery program evaluates a stitcher’s skill in five surface (non-counted) embroidery techniques: silk ribbon, stumpwork and needlelace, silk shading, Brazilian embroidery, an ethnic or regional embroidery technique of the candidate’s choice, and an original final master step that incorporates at least three of the previous five techniques. Designs are provided for two of the first five steps, but original designs or designs based on published motifs can also be used for any of the first five submissions. Submissions are evaluated on stitching excellence, but also ability to follow directions, and color and design choice, where appropriate.



Step 1: Silk ribbon embroidery: an original, adaptation, or combination of motifs creating a bouquet or floral arrangement and an appropriate border.

Step 2: Raised work embroidery: an original, adaptation, or provided design in raised work embroidery as exemplified in seventeenth century and contemporary stumpwork eras.

Step 3: Silk shading: an exact replica of the provided design, an adaptation or an original work, which includes block and directional shading.

Step 4: Brazilian embroidery: an original, adaptation, or provided design which includes at least nine different Brazilian embroidery stitches.

Step 5: Ethnic embroidery: a project created with Chikan, colcha, shisha, Mountmellick, Schwalm, or Casalguidi embroidery with authentic stitches, colors, threads, and fabric. Other ethnic embroideries may be used with permission.

Step 6: A unified, cohesive work incorporating at least three of the first five steps, with other techniques as appropriate.

Judging: March and September

Judging Criteria: Design, color, stitching expertise, suitability of materials, and adherence to specific requirements.

Contact: Master Craftsman Surface Embroidery Chair

Click here to see requirements for Step 1 and pictures of completed pieces

After enrollment, a program packet is sent by email from the program chair. Please allow a week for your registration to be processed.

*Master Craftsman Program fees are non-refundable