Through the Needle's Eye

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79 entries.
June Neal June Neal from Limassol, Cyprus wrote on January 15, 2024
As a Member At Large, living in the Eastern Mediterranean area I have had much delight in visiting this virtual exhibition, many times. My thanks to all the people who worked so hard to put this exhibition together. I truly appreciate the wide range of artwork produced and than each artist for sharing their creativity. It has been a wonderful experience for me.
Deborah Ruschmeyer Deborah Ruschmeyer from Monroe, Wi wrote on January 14, 2024
I appreciate this inspirational online exhibition. The works are unique and it was a fun way to be able to see this.
Maria E. Maria E. from Columbia, MD wrote on December 30, 2023
I appreciate the diversity represented in this exhibit. Thank you and congratulations to everyone!
Cheri Ehrlich Cheri Ehrlich from Suffern wrote on December 28, 2023
Fabulous work! So much talent and very inspiring! Congratulations to all the artists. So glad I could view this show virtually!
Carri Reuter Carri Reuter from Canton MI wrote on December 26, 2023
Beautiful pieces all. Thanks for making viewing possible for those of us who could not view in person!
Martha L Sardinas Martha L Sardinas from HAWTHORNE, CA wrote on November 22, 2023
A wonderful exhibit. I enjoyed the tributes to Jacobean style and crewel techniques. So many mixed mediums. Thank you.
Mary Knapp Mary Knapp from Rochester, Ohio wrote on November 3, 2023
Out of this world Beautiful!!! Congratulations to all the winners, and every single one who entered. Really glad I wasn't a judge. Every single piece was ribbon material. Thank you all for sharing.
JoElla Manning JoElla Manning from Leesburg Florida wrote on October 29, 2023
I’m new to embroidery and found this exhibit very inspiring. Thank you all who made it available and congrats to the artists.
Maria Hall Maria Hall from Patchogue wrote on October 27, 2023
Nancy Cihlar Nancy Cihlar from Mosinee wrote on October 26, 2023
Thank you for the beautiful displays of needle art! Such inspiration for all no matter what technique was used. Seeing these works has given me encouragement to look into my own creative abilities. I look forward to future displays.
Bonnie Beer Bonnie Beer from Madison, WI wrote on October 19, 2023
Thank you for this viewing opportunity! Please continue to do this in the future!
REBECCA E WARDLAW REBECCA E WARDLAW from Albuquerque wrote on October 16, 2023
Inspiring, lovely works. The virtual galleries worked well.
JANET F NOBLE JANET F NOBLE from Hopkins wrote on October 16, 2023
Fantastic job!
Mary E Beuris Mary E Beuris from Kingsport wrote on October 9, 2023
Thank you to all the participants in this exhibit. It is a beautiful presentation of exquisite pieces of art! It was such a pleasant experience.
Margaret Azpeitia-Taylor Margaret Azpeitia-Taylor from Sedona, AZ wrote on October 7, 2023
Thanks to all whose efforts made this amazing exhibit possible. I was able to see some of the entries at the 2023 Boston Stitch Party virtual exhibit. So great to be able to see more of the exhibit online from where I live. A true needle art inspiration!
Marina Dessotti Cortes Marina Dessotti Cortes from Newberry wrote on October 4, 2023
What a beautiful and inspiring exhibition. I'm glad I had the chance to see it.
Suzanne Knepper Suzanne Knepper from Tucson wrote on October 4, 2023
The exhibit is so beautiful!
Barbara Wech Barbara Wech from Birmingham wrote on October 4, 2023
So happy to be able to see the art created! It is all wonderful!
Audrey Blanding Audrey Blanding from Gilroy wrote on October 4, 2023
Thank you for setting up such a wonderful virtual tour. It was really fun to see all of this incredible work or of art.
Theresa R Swiecicki Theresa R Swiecicki from Grand Blanc wrote on October 4, 2023
What a great way to view the exhibit when you can't travel. My favorite part was seeing the inspiration for the pieces. To know that there are those talented enough to take a picture or idea and go from there is very inspiring. Thank you for creating this virtual exhibit.