Register for our next Growing Your Connection webinar (formerly Growing Your Chapter) on Saturday, April 5 at 1:00 PM eastern where the topic will be Petite Projects Galore!
Are you an individual who wants to understand what more EGA has to offer besides Needle Arts magazine? Or are you part of a Chapter looking for a way to engage your members? Register for this webinar to explore the variety of Petite Projects that EGA has to offer. Mid Atlantic Region member Janet Salerno led a team of members in restitching all of the current Petite Projects. Hear about the projects from her, and gain her insights to this members-only benefit. This webinar is limited to 500 attendees, and will be recorded.
Click here to register for this webinar!
Previous Growing Your Chapter Webinars
We have a YouTube Playlist with all the Growing Your Chapter Webinar videos so far and you can access it here. Visit our Tools for Chapters page for other useful information.