Our 2019 National Seminar Gateway to Stitching will be taking place in St. Louis, Missouri on October 30 through November 3 and we can’t wait to be there! Registration is currently open and some of the classes are filling up, but don’t worry, there are plenty of gorgeous classes to choose from! If that wasn’t reason enough to register, we have compiled a list of the top 10 reasons why you shouldn’t miss our National Seminar: Gateway to Stitching!
1. Learning a new technique with an experienced national or international teacher — You won’t believe the variety of techniques!
2. Reconnecting with old stitching friends — You know that stitching friend you haven’t seen in a few years, this may be the perfect place to reconnect!
3. Making new stitching friends!
4. Being surrounded by like-minded people who also love to stitch and understand why you do — Where else can you say “That’s a stunning piece of thread painting!” and be 99.9% sure everyone will understand what you are talking about?
5. Merchandise night! One of our most popular events is merchandise night, you won’t believe the amount of things you’ll be able to add to your stash.
6. See a new city – Explore beautiful St. Louis. Fun fact: Did you know the ice cream cone was invented there?
7. No laundry, cleaning, cooking, or even making your own bed for five days — Just see it as a little vacation at the Marriott St. Louis Grand filled with stitching fun!
8. Being inspired by the beautifully stitched pieces in the exhibit – At our national seminar we display pieces from our exhibits and of our educational offerings such as Group Correspondence Courses, Individual Correspondence Courses, Online Courses and Master Craftsman Programs to give students a closer look.

9. Choosing exciting classes for the next year’s seminar – All the classes for our 2020 seminar will be displayed at our 2019 seminar, so you get to see them ahead of everyone!
10. Buying EGA merchandise without paying shipping costs — Yes, you can buy directly from our online shop, but if you buy some of our merchandise at seminar, you can just pack it up and take it home with you!
Not registered yet? Visit our Seminar 2019 page to learn more, see classes, register and more!
Are you already registered? Yay! We can’t wait to see you there! Add your reasons why others shouldn’t miss our national seminar to the comments below.