Register Today for our June 2024 Growing Your Chapter Webinar on Social Media with Facebook for EGA Chapters

Our next Growing Your Chapter webinar will happen on June 22, 2024, at 1:00 pm eastern/noon central/11:00 am mountain/10:00 am pacific time. Would you like more information on how to use social media successfully to reach other stitchers? Vickie van Lune and Stephanie Murphy will be on hand to explain how they use social media for their chapters and to answer your questions! Q&A may extend this webinar beyond 60 minutes. This webinar will be recorded. If you can’t wait and would like to renew now, you can see a list of step-by-step instructions here.

To register for this event click here.
Previous Growing Your Chapter Webinars

The playlist with links to all Growing Your Chapter videos has been added to the Tools for Chapters page.

Our April 2024 webinar focused on helping members renew their memberships online and you can watch it here.

Our March 2024 webinar focused on helping chapters start their own website and you can watch it here.

Our February 2024 webinar focused on Special Interest Groups. The webinar was recorded for the benefit of those who couldn’t attend and you may watch it here.

For our January 2024 webinar, chapter President Susie Jordan of the Constellation Chapter and Tiffany Ford of the Winchester Chapter shared what they are doing for recruiting and retention for their chapters and the Mid-Atlantic Region. You may see it here.

If you missed our October 2023 webinar featuring Great Lakes Region Director Sue Koehler, Fort Worth Chapter President Dianne Stauber and Day Lilies Chapter President Angelia Corbett, you may watch it here.

The image featured above shows My Herd of Butterflies by Arabella Renfro, and it’s part of the Permanent Collection gallery.


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