2021 Golden Needle Awards
Theme: Magnificent Stitch
The 17 pieces in the 2021 Golden Needles Awards exhibit included original, adaptions and non-original pieces along with EGA class pieces, thus displaying many different techniques from EGA members. We want to congratulate all the winners and participants.
The Viewers’ Choice Award was voted on by members at our 2021 National Seminar in Chicago and the piece with the most votes was Tree of Life by Natalia Frank.
All the pieces entered in the Golden Needles Awards were wonderfully stitched pieces stitched by EGA members and we are looking forward to next year’s exhibit when the theme will be “What I love”. Click here to learn more about the 2022 Golden Needle Awards!
Click each picture below for a closer look and to learn more about each piece.

22nd EGA National Exhibit
The 22nd Through the Needle’s Eye will be a fantastic extravaganza, a remarkable exhibit first displayed virtually at National Seminar in Boston September 2023 and also as a “live” display in Louisville. Learn more and register below!