Two segments of our Technique Basics series have been recently revised by our Education Department and are available for EGA members to download. Not a member yet? Learn more about the Benefits of Joining EGA here.
An Introduction to Assisi Embroidery by Diane Snyder, member of our Green Mountain Chapter in Vermont, is a notebook lesson with the purpose of introducing you to the world of Assisi embroidery and how it has changed through the centuries. You are encouraged to try each of the different background techniques and insert your samples in plastic sleeves so you can later refer to both sides explores the stitches used.

An Introduction to Counted Cross Stitch on Linen by Shirley Kay Wolferperger, member of our Pajarito Chapter in New Mexico, gives insight into the basic cross stitch on linen.You will stitch a small sampler of counted cross-stitch motifs to help you learn and understand the stitch and its techniques.

Both of these documents have stitch diagrams by Linda Reinmiller, member of our Rose City Stitchers Chapter in Oregon.
These documents can be downloaded on the links above or from the Document Downloads page under the Guideline Series category. We hope you benefit from the use of these and future documents in the series.
We thank the Diane, Shirley Kay and Linda for making these documents possible, and we continue to look for authors for future segments. Interested? Contact Education Publications through