Virtual Lecture: Measuring Millimeters on a Napoleonic-Era Dress Coat with Liz Tapper


Register to attend the live lecture Measuring Millimeters on a Napoleonic-Era Dress Coat with Liz Tapper.

Please read before registering: This registration is ONLY to attend the LIVE virtual lecture that will take place on Saturday, September 14, 2024 1PM Eastern. This registration will not give you access to the recording of this lecture. Registration from the live lecture only gives you access to the live lecture on the day and at the time it happens. A few days after the live lecture takes place, we open registration for the recorded version. Registration for the live lecture and for the recorded lecture happens separately at a price of $5 each to ensure the talented lecturers receive proper compensation.

To register for this recorded lecture you need an EGA membership. You can join us as a Chapter Member or as a Member At-Large.

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Liz Tapper was commissioned in 2021 to recreate the embroidery for a military dress coat. The coat was to be a replica of that worn by one of Napoleon I’s aide de camps in the early 1800s in France – the original now held in a museum. It was to be worked in goldwork using a variety of metal threads and to very exacting dimensions. This is the story behind the process.

Liz Tapper trained as an apprentice at The Royal School of Needlework, and now works as a professional embroiderer, designer and tutor. She has worked on commissions for Harrods and Lulu Guinness, London Fashion Week, for television and on numerous private commissions, with her work being featured on the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). She lives in Somerset in the UK and is a Member of the Somerset Guild of Craftsmen and the Society for Embroidered Work.

Click here to learn more about our Virtual Lectures Series

Please note: Virtual Lecture registrations are non-refundable. You must be a current EGA member to register and to participate on this lecture. Registration for the live lecture and for the recording happen separately and are not transferable.