The Education Department is pleased to announce the release of another segment in the Technique Basics series and a new Petite Project. Member login is required to access these documents. Not a member yet? Join us here.
Technique Basics: An Introduction to Blackwork Embroidery by Carolyn Standing Webb of the Wasatch Chapter in Utah, was made with the purpose to introduce the stitcher to both a totally counted design and the combination of counted and surface work in a way that is fun and easy to do.

The latest in the Petite Project series is Friendship Bookmark by Janet Salerno of our Susquehanna Chapter in Pennsylvania. A fun project for a taste of several counted thread stitches.

The department welcomes designer/authors to submit proposals to with the subject line of Petite Project or Technique Basics.
Our thanks to Julie Fera for her efforts through the years putting Petite Projects into web ready formats. Thanks also to the Pajarito Proofreaders for their eagle eyes and able fingers in helping present quality publications.
These documents can be downloaded on the links above or from the Document Downloads page under the Technique Basics and Petite Projects categories. We hope you benefit from the use of these and future documents in the series.
– Carole Rinard