2022 Bobbie Pilling Award
"Out of the box" Needlework
The Bobbie Pilling Memorial award, established to honor a treasure of EGA, a longtime supporter and former national president, Barbara (Bobbie) Pilling, is presented to an EGA member who has “gone outside the box” with an original piece of needlework that shows personal growth and artistic merit. The accompanying statement should address both personal growth and artistic merit and explain how the stitcher thought “outside the box.” Learn more about this award in our Scholarships and Awards page.
Enjoy a look at the entries in the 2022 Bobbie Pilling Memorial Award stitched by EGA members.
Click each picture below for a closer look and to learn more about each piece. If you have trouble reading the artist statements, you can read those here.
More photos: 2022 Golden Needle Awards

22nd EGA National Exhibit
The 22nd Through the Needle’s Eye will be a fantastic extravaganza, a remarkable exhibit first displayed virtually at National Seminar in Boston September 2023 and also as a “live” display in Louisville. Learn more and register below!