Study Box


Through the Study Box program, EGA provides its members with a special way of learning. The boxes can be used as an introduction to a needlework technique, as an alternative to classroom study, or for advanced study.

This $25 fee is  to cover shipping and insurance to send the box. You will be responsible for return shipping which may exceed $25. 

SKU: LIB_StudyBoxShipping Category:


Each study box is unique and has a different presentation. Materials contained in each study box have been donated by our members, chapters, the EGA Collection, and Embroiderers’ Guild of England members. The boxes may contain historical information, stitched samples of fabrics and threads, books, pamphlets, photographs, or slides. All of these items are placed in protective covers, inserted into notebooks, and labeled for easy identification. Some boxes also contain hands-on projects for chapter programs or individual use.

You can download a printable sheet with this information and description of the boxes here.

To borrow one of our study boxes, please fill the form here.