Textile Society of America Stitch-In: Linda Eaton on Erica Wilson’s Life and Legacy


EGA is delighted to sponsor the speakers for a new series you will be able to enjoy online. The Textile Society of America will host six virtual lecture/discussion/stitch-in sessions on a variety of subjects which will interest many EGA members.

The first Textile Society of America Stitch-In will be on Thursday, February 25 from 6-8pm EST and will feature the life and legacy of Erica Wilson, who certainly inspired and educated me in the early 1970s. In the first hour, Linda Eaton will be discussing her recent exhibition and publication on Erica Wilson co-authored with Anne Hilker. In the second hour, there will be a time for stitching and chatting together. –Janet Noble, EGA President

Please join us! And invite others that you think would be interested– it’s free and open to the public!

Learn more and register on the TSA website
More about the Stitch-In series from the Textile Society of America 

The Textile Society of America is launching a new “TSA Stitch-In” series starting February 2021. Each Stitch-In will be 1.5-2 hrs. long. For the first 45 minutes, we will be inviting a guest speaker to share their work and the remaining time will allow for informal group discussion. In the new virtual environment that we find ourselves due to the pandemic, scholarly and professional networking and interacting have become limited. Our biennial Symposium was successfully held virtually in October 2020 to excellent reviews. The presentations were able to go on with this format and it was a great week of scholarly sharing. Since the Symposium, we have been investigating new ways to enhance scholarly and professional interaction online. We are launching the “TSA Stitch In” series as a direct result as we found many of our members missed the informal discussion and meeting that naturally happens at an in-person event. Our Stitch-In will be held every other month and with the direct goal of providing a platform for TSA members whose work integrates stitching, whether with a focus on making, theory or history, to share their work and provide an online space for the sharing of ideas with textiles professionals to help encourage new directions in stitch-based artistic work and research. We hope to harness the positives of holding such events in a virtual environment to more broadly disseminate the work of current stitch-focused artists and researchers.

We are excited that the Embroiderers Guild of America has generously sponsored the six Stitch-In’s for 2021 in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To hear all the latest news about upcoming Stitch-In’s please subscribe to the TSA Stitch-In mail group at this link.


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